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Invited speaker: Iosif Antochi - IoT and Edge Processing
Description: Explore the good, the bad and the ugly of the evolving usage of Internet of Things, and discover the implications of moving towards Edge Processing.
Lecture Slides
AAC Administrative Resources
AAC Lectures (2023-2024)
Lecture 00. Intro to IoT
Lecture 01. Wireless Sensor Networks
Lecture 02. IoT Physical Layer
Lecture 03. IoT Protocols
Lecture 04. IoT Communication APIs. REST
Lecture 05. IoT Design Methodology
Lecture 06. Low-Power Protocols
Lecture 07. CoAP & MQTT
Lecture 08. IoT Security
Lecture 09. Operating Systems for IoT
AAC Labs (2023-2024)
Lab 1: Getting Started
Lab 2: Sensors & SPIFFS
Lab 3: Web servers
Lab 4: Databases for IoT - Firebase
Lab 5. Firebase (part 2)
Lab 6. InfluxDB
Lab 7. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Lab 8. CoAP & MQTT
Lab 9. HTTPS and SSL/TLS
Lab 10. NuttX OS
Un protocol MAC pentru WSN
Programarea nodului senzorial Sparrow v3 folosind Arduino IDE
Using Sparrow v3 and Devicehub for indoor and outdoor monitoring
Stiva WDS
Wireless MAC
Porting CoAP on Sparrow v4
Encrypted communication on Sparrow v4
Environment monitoring using Sparrow and ESP8266
InfluxDB as a backend server. ESP8266 client implementation
Sparrow and CoAP using ESP8266
Nuttx for STM32-p103 and lm3s6965evb over Qemu
CoAP for Contiki OS over Sparrow
Proiecte 2021
3D Object Representation
Air Quality Monitoring Using Edge Impulse
Air Quality Monitoring System
Alexa based lighting and cooling system for router
Automatic Pet Feeder
Earthquake detection system with ESP32 and MPU-6050 accelerometer
Environment monitor with ESP32
Flood Detecton System
Smoke/Gas detector
Secured communications in IOT networks
Home Automation System
Home Security System
1. Data collection system
Portând NuttX pe un ESP32-C3-WROOM
Pulse Monitor System
QR Code Reader with ESP32
Remote Heart Rate and Blood Oxygen Detector
Project description
Retro Look Weather Station
Safe Deposit Box
Security System with ESP32
Smart Irrigation System
Smart Bulb
Smart Hydration System
Smart Street Light Control System
Smart Video Doorbell
Soil Moisture Monitoring System
Temperature and humidity monitoring
Multiple LEDs’ brightness controlled over a web server
Wi-fi thermostat
Support for Raspberry Pi Pico in Zephyr RTOS
Proiecte AAC Ianuarie 2022
Air Quality Monitoring System
Automated Irrigation System
Automated access to a rented studio
Bear Detection System
Smart DoorBell
GNSS receiver for land surveying based on ESP32
Home Assistant using MQTT
LoRa Based Real Time Acquisition System
Low Power Environmental Monitoring System
Magnetic Authentication
OpenBCI & ESP32
Pet Tracker Application
WiFi-controlled surveillance system
Satellite Tracking Antenna
Remote Fish Feeder and Aquarium Water Monitoring
Sensor network to monitor soil moisture
Smart Remote using ESP32
Smart Backpack
Smart Home Bluetooth System
Smart Home Lights & Power Outlet Control
Smart Home Security System
Smart Home System with Alexa App
Smart Parking System
Smart RGB Lamp
Smart Camera Live Feed
Water Quality System
Proiecte SRIC, 2022-2023
Air Quality Monitoring System using BMP280 Sensor
Smart Baby Monitor
Biometric Attendance System
Bicycle Crash Detection System
Fire Alarm
Home Security System
Led Ring with Web Application
Motion Detection System
Detect Motion And Distance
Music Visualizer
Remote control of a light bulb
RFID Cat Feeder
Smart Garden
Smart room monitoring and control system
Soil Moisture Monitoring
Solar Station Project
Video Surveillance System using ESP32-CAM
Temperature and Humidity Monitor
Power Consumption Impact of Undefined Behavior Optimizations on Nuttx
Voltmeter with Esp32
Weather Station with BMP280
Local weather station with BME280 & Android integration
WiFi Attacks using ESP32 and Flipper Zero
2023 Projects List
Configurable Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System
Earthquake Detector
Home Assistant using MQTT with LoRa and Tuya integration
Smart Home Security System
Home Assistant AC Control
Image Recognition
Pet recognition and monitoring system
RGB Ledbar
Sleep Environment Monitor
Smart Doorbell
Smart Cabinet Lock
Smart Plant Monitoring System
Solar powered weather station with ESP32
Temperature monitoring and control system for Server Room
Proiecte SRIC, 2023-2024
Acohol Breath Test
ESP32 Customizable Parking Sensor
ESP32 Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
ESP32 Home Automation
ESP32 Snake Game
Smart Hardware Monitor
Health Monitoring System
LoRaWAN Tracking System
Modular System for Automotive Monitoring and Assistance (MSAMA)
Smart NeoPixel LED Strip
2024 Projects List
Temperature Monitor
Ghid Documentație Proiect IoT
SRIC Administrative Resources
SRIC Lectures (2024)
Lecture 01. Introduction
Lecture 02. Wireless Sensor Networks
Lecture 03. IoT Low-Power Protocols
Lecture 04. IoT Communication Protocols
Lecture 05. IPv6 and 6LoWPAN
Lecture 06. CoAP & MQTT
Lecture 07. Security Attacks in IoT
Lecture 08. Standardized Security Solutions for IoT
Lecture 09. IoT Operating Systems
Lecture 10. NuttX Demo
SRIC Labs (2023)
Laborator 00. Materiale necesare
Laborator 01. Specificațiile plăcuței de dezvoltare ESP32
Laborator 02. Sistem de fișiere pe ESP32
Laborator 03. Publicarea datelor prin IFTTT
Laborator 04. Interfețele SPI și I2C
Laborator 05. MicroPython pe ESP32
Laborator 06. Discuție preliminară proiect
Laborator 07. CoAP și MQTT
Laborator 08. Securizarea aplicațiilor pe ESP32
Laborator 09. ESP32-CAM și detecția obiectelor folosind TensorFlow
SRIC Projects (2023)
Descriere Proiecte
SRIC Archive
Invited speaker: Mihai Bărbulescu - WiFi in your system
Lecture 11. Invited speaker: Iosif Antochi - IoT and Edge Processing
Lecture 12. Invited speaker: Vlad Corneci - BLE - RF Communication in Mobile App Development
iothings/sric/cursuri/edge.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/10 07:43 by laura.ruse
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