Music visualizers help create the right ambiance and make a house more welcoming and pleasant to live in. This project successfully acomplishes all of these characteristics, while also serving as a stepping stone in learning about IoT concepts, ESP32 development and sound processing science.
The project uses the Adafruit_NeoPixel.h, LinkedList.h and Wifi.h libraries for controlling the LED strip and the webserver.
The main logic of the project is represented by the following steps:
The music visualization methods:
This project represents an efficient, simple and nice solution for illuminating a room, visualzing music or any other sounds or just creating a desired mood. For me, it was a very good way to learn more about the ESP32 microcontroller and sound processing.
In my opinion, this project offers a great oppurtunity to be developed into a product that can be ultimately sold to awaiting customers that need something more customizable that the current market offers.