We will be using the ESP32 Sparrow board as the main development board for the lab assignments.
Also, for the first labs, we will be using the Arduino IDE and environment, which you can download from here
This is the pinout diagram of the development board:
To get everything set-up, please use the this tutorial to install ESP32 support in Arduino, the only difference is the board type should be set to ESP32 WROVER.
Open the “Blink” example in the Arduino IDE
Define LED_BUILTIN to correspond to one of the on-board LEDs.
For the GREEN boards (rev. 1) the LED has the following pinout
And for the BLUE boards (rev. 2), the LED has the following pinout:
#define LED_BUILTIN ...
Load the “WiFiScan” example from Arduino IDE.
Open the Serial Monitor to view the result of the scan
Load the “SimpleBleDevice” example. Install on your phone an app that scans nearby Bluetooth devices, such as this BLE Scanner. Check if your device is in the list.