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iothings:proiecte:2022sric:surveillance [2023/06/02 08:40]
ruxandra.grigorie [Project Description]
iothings:proiecte:2022sric:surveillance [2023/06/02 09:57] (current)
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 Grigorie Ruxandra - SRIC Grigorie Ruxandra - SRIC
-Demo: [[https://​www.canva.com/​design/​DAFkkIwiYsA/​Pa3jRddZpZGIIisbDiHYRA/​ +Demo: [[https://​www.canva.com/​design/​DAFkkIwiYsA/​Pa3jRddZpZGIIisbDiHYRA/​edit?​utm_content=DAFkkIwiYsA&​utm_campaign=designshare&​utm_medium=link2&​utm_source=sharebutton]]
 ==== Project Description ==== ==== Project Description ====
iothings/proiecte/2022sric/surveillance.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/02 09:57 by ruxandra.grigorie
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