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Proiecte 2022

Ioana Georgescu: Smart Camera Live Feed

Ciprian Marian Costea: Low Power Environmental Monitoring System

Razvan-Adrian Negulescu: Automated Irrigation System

Irina Negulescu : Water Quality System

Andrei Popa-Artene: Smart Parking System

Razvan-Andrei Rotaru: Smart Lock

Boboc Madalina: Automated acces to a rented studio

Frâncu Andrei: Home Assistant using MQTT

Vlad Găvan: Smart Backpack

Mihai-Paul Fîrțală: LoRa Based Real Time Acquisition System

Andrei Draghici: Smart RGB Lamp

Petre Ionut-Claudiu: Sensor network to monitor soil moisture

Razvan Trombitas: OpenBCI & ESP32

Nicolae-Andrei Vasile: SmartSole

iothings/proiecte/2022.1674155376.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/19 21:09 by nicolae.vasile2005
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