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iothings:proiecte:2022:airqualitymonitoringsystem [2023/01/20 02:03]
iothings:proiecte:2022:airqualitymonitoringsystem [2023/01/21 20:58] (current)
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 ====== Air Quality Monitoring System ====== ====== Air Quality Monitoring System ======
-Student: Refigean Serhan+  * Student: Refigean Serhan ​  
 +  * Master: ACES   
 +  * Source code: [[https://​gitlab.cs.pub.ro/​serhan.refigean/​airqualitymonitoringsystem|Air Quality Monitoring System]]
 ==== 1. Introduction ==== ==== 1. Introduction ====
Line 46: Line 48:
 ==== 5. Conclusions ==== ==== 5. Conclusions ====
 This project gives a good understanding of the importance of Internet of Things for the human beings. Also with the ongoing problems with climate change and the overall pollution, these kind of devices can help everybody to monitor these effects and to also take actions. As for this project, I tried to upload the data to the sensor.community website but I ran into problems using the POST request that I was not able to resolve in time. This project gives a good understanding of the importance of Internet of Things for the human beings. Also with the ongoing problems with climate change and the overall pollution, these kind of devices can help everybody to monitor these effects and to also take actions. As for this project, I tried to upload the data to the sensor.community website but I ran into problems using the POST request that I was not able to resolve in time.
 +==== 6. Resources ====
 +  * https://​towardsdatascience.com/​sensing-the-air-quality-5ed5320f7a56
 +  * https://​cdn-reichelt.de/​documents/​datenblatt/​X200/​SDS011-DATASHEET.pdf
 +  * https://​cdn.sparkfun.com/​assets/​parts/​1/​2/​2/​7/​5/​Laser_Dust_Sensor_Control_Protocol_V1.3.pdf
 +  * https://​randomnerdtutorials.com/​esp32-http-get-post-arduino/​
 +  * https://​www.mathworks.com/​help/​thingspeak/​
iothings/proiecte/2022/airqualitymonitoringsystem.1674172999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/20 02:03 by serhan.refigean
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