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Get a Life


  1. Cititi despre SUID aici
  2. Compilati programul de mai jos.
  3. Setati bitul de SUID pe binarul creat. (puteti folosi sudo)
  4. Afisati /etc/shadow folosind binarul creat fara a folosi sudo. (./binar)
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> // For exit() 
int main() 
	FILE *fptr; 
	char filename[100], c; 
	printf("Enter the filename to open \n"); 
	scanf("%s", filename); 
	// Open file 
	fptr = fopen(filename, "r"); 
	if (fptr == NULL) 
		printf("Cannot open file \n"); 
	// Read contents from file 
	c = fgetc(fptr); 
	while (c != EOF) 
		printf ("%c", c); 
		c = fgetc(fptr); 
	return 0; 
uso/laboratoare/new/10-sec/get-a-life.1544286859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/08 18:34 by octavian.guzu
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