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uso:resurse:cheatsheet [2013/09/15 17:56]
uso:resurse:cheatsheet [2020/10/20 14:04] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
   * Bash/Shell scripting   * Bash/Shell scripting
-Cheatsheet-ul este disponibil {{:​uso:​resurse:​uso01-refcard.pdf|aici}}. ​+Cheatsheet-ul ​USO este disponibil {{:​uso:​resurse:​uso01-refcard.pdf|aici}}. ​ 
 +  <​center>​ 
 +    <iframe src="​https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​uso/​resurse/​uso01-refcard.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470"​ style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​ 
 +  </​center>​ 
 +==== Alte cheatsheet-uri utile ==== 
 +   * {{:​uso:​resurse:​bash_cheat_sheet.pdf|Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet}} via [[http://​cli.learncodethehardway.org/​|Learn CLI the hard way]] 
 +  <​center>​ 
 +    <iframe src="​https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​uso/​resurse/​bash_cheat_sheet.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470"​ style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​ 
 +  </​center>​ 
 +   * [[http://​www.pixelbeat.org/​cmdline.html|Agregator de comenzi Linux - format HTML]]
uso/resurse/cheatsheet.1379257010.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/15 17:56 by mihai.barbulescu
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