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uso:cursuri:curs-12 [2022/10/03 21:10]
uso:cursuri:curs-12 [2023/01/09 00:11] (current)
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 ====== Curs 12 - Administrarea spatiului de stocare ======= ====== Curs 12 - Administrarea spatiului de stocare =======
-    ​* [[https://drive.google.com/​file/d/12CXkePhxWAGJwZKmQ4vnq5Q69GPlkXZF/view?​usp=sharing| Slide-uri curs]] +  ​* [[https://docs.google.com/​presentation/d/1RXPvEXsuRNRrdo3VsfG_EtUHS9en4ncd/edit?​usp=sharing&​ouid=108131427433094834232&​rtpof=true&​sd=true| Slide-uri curs]]
-  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1SYqnwgH8TyuBG1xdGyfU0Vb4dA8cFyrA/​view?​usp=sharing| Handout 3on1 and notes space]] +
-  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​15vaQmYmzmZe2_G7gMj3nLFoGFkn0YQmr/​view?​usp=sharing| Handout 6on1]]+
   * **Cuvinte cheie**: HDD, SSD, Partiționare,​ Formatare, MBR, GPT, RAID, Back-up, LVM, mount, umount   * **Cuvinte cheie**: HDD, SSD, Partiționare,​ Formatare, MBR, GPT, RAID, Back-up, LVM, mount, umount
   * **Suport de curs**   * **Suport de curs**
     * [[https://​github.com/​systems-cs-pub-ro/​carte-uso/​releases| Utilizarea sistemelor de operare]]     * [[https://​github.com/​systems-cs-pub-ro/​carte-uso/​releases| Utilizarea sistemelor de operare]]
         * Capitolul 10 - Administrarea spațiului de stocare ​         * Capitolul 10 - Administrarea spațiului de stocare ​
 +<iframe src="​https://​docs.google.com/​presentation/​d/​e/​2PACX-1vTTVzrqv76petP3yVxZ76OvlBZae1pPfMxV3IhLVta7DKdtACTsaZc11DM4ofRRuQ/​embed?​start=false&​loop=false&​delayms=3000"​ frameborder="​0"​ width="​480"​ height="​389"​ allowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"></​iframe>​
 /* /*
uso/cursuri/curs-12.1664820619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/03 21:10 by sergiu.weisz
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