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so:meta:karma [2017/05/27 20:26]
laura.vasilescu [Premii]
so:meta:karma [2017/05/27 20:28] (current)
laura.vasilescu [TOP]
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-===== TOP =====+===== TOP Karma Awards ​===== 
 +=== 2016 - 2017 === 
 +  - **STOICAN Theodor**, 333CA, 71 puncte 
 +  - **PÎRTOACĂ George-Sebastian**,​ 335CB, 68 puncte 
 +  - **UNGUREANU Remus-Dan**,​ 335CB, 63 puncte 
 +  - **PERJU Lucian-Ionuţ**,​ 334CC, 61 puncte 
 +  - **DRĂGAN Relu**, 331CB, 60 puncte 
 +  - **CHIȚU Răzvan-Mihai**,​ 335CA, 54 puncte 
 +  - **RADU Ioana-Roxana**,​ 335CB, 54 puncte 
 +  - **NEAȚU Darius-Florentin**,​ 335CA, 53 puncte 
 +  - **PRIPOAE Silvia-Elena**,​ 331CA, 52 puncte 
 +  - **IONIȚĂ Remus-Florentin**,​ 334CC, 49 puncte 
 +=== 2015 - 2016 ===
 === CA === === CA ===
so/meta/karma.1495905992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 20:26 by laura.vasilescu
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