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so:laboratoare:resurse:windows-video [2013/02/19 09:26]
so:laboratoare:resurse:windows-video [2013/02/19 09:26] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-  ​install msvc +  ​install msvc 
-  ​install sp1 +  ​install sp1 
-  ​install win32 sdk 7.1+  ​install win32 sdk 7.1
-  ​read (with a grain) http://​goldfishforthought.blogspot.com/​2008/​04/​n-habits-of-highly-defective-directshow.html +  ​read (with a grain) http://​goldfishforthought.blogspot.com/​2008/​04/​n-habits-of-highly-defective-directshow.html 
-  ​http://​tmhare.mvps.org/​downloads.htm +  ​http://​tmhare.mvps.org/​downloads.htm 
-  ​http://​code.google.com/​p/​graph-studio-next/​+  ​http://​code.google.com/​p/​graph-studio-next/​
so/laboratoare/resurse/windows-video.1361258779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/19 09:26 by larisa.grigore
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