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so:laboratoare:laborator-07 [2021/04/26 12:03]
mbarbulescu [Nice to Watch]
so:laboratoare:laborator-07 [2022/04/19 17:47] (current)
teodor_stefan.dutu [Nice to Watch]
Line 4: Line 4:
 ==== Nice to Watch ==== ==== Nice to Watch ====
   *[[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=73IyVBMf2uY | Google I/O 2010 - Measure in milliseconds:​ Meet Speed Tracer]]   *[[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=73IyVBMf2uY | Google I/O 2010 - Measure in milliseconds:​ Meet Speed Tracer]]
-  *[[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=7a89iFEEpTo&​ab_channel=MITOpenCourseWare | MIT Lecture: Performance Engineering with Profiling Tools]][[https://​dspace.mit.edu/​bitstream/​handle/​1721.1/​122680/​6-172-fall-2010/​contents/​video-lectures/​lecture-5-performance-engineering-with-profiling-tools/​MIT6_172F10_lec05.pdf|slides]]+  *[[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=7a89iFEEpTo&​ab_channel=MITOpenCourseWare | MIT Lecture: Performance Engineering with Profiling Tools]] 
 +  *[[https://​dspace.mit.edu/​bitstream/​handle/​1721.1/​122680/​6-172-fall-2010/​contents/​video-lectures/​lecture-5-performance-engineering-with-profiling-tools/​MIT6_172F10_lec05.pdf|slides]]
 ==== Latency Comparison Numbers ==== ==== Latency Comparison Numbers ====
Line 304: Line 305:
-==== Exercițiul 0 - Sondaj ACS ==== 
-Înainte de a rezolva exercițiile,​ completați formularul [[https://​forms.office.com/​r/​SqBF2kfzk5|acesta]],​ despre felul în care priviți voi facultatea. Nu durează mult, nu doare, nu are efecte adverse. 
 ==== Exercițiul 1 - Custom Profiling ==== ==== Exercițiul 1 - Custom Profiling ====
Line 434: Line 433:
 /* [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​so/​res/​laboratoare/​lab12-sol.zip | lab12-sol.zip]] */ /* [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​so/​res/​laboratoare/​lab12-sol.zip | lab12-sol.zip]] */
-====== Soluții ====== 
-  *[[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​so/​res/​laboratoare/​lab07-sol.zip | Soluții laborator 7]] 
 ====== Resurse utile ====== ====== Resurse utile ======
so/laboratoare/laborator-07.1619427830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/26 12:03 by mbarbulescu
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