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rl:info:calendar [2023/10/04 13:30]
flavia.oprea removed
— (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Calendar ===== 
-[[https://​calendar.google.com/​calendar/​embed?​src=bg17mb030vv6ikprnfcqf5lnb8%40group.calendar.google.com&​ctz=Europe%2FBucharest | Calendar]] 
-<​style>​iframe{ width: 100% }</​style>​ 
-<iframe src="​https://​calendar.google.com/​calendar/​embed?​src=bg17mb030vv6ikprnfcqf5lnb8%40group.calendar.google.com&​ctz=Europe%2FBucharest"​ style="​border:​ 0" height="​600"​ frameborder="​0"​ scrolling="​no"></​iframe>​ 
rl/info/calendar.1696415422.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/04 13:30 by flavia.oprea
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