

Jocul clasic Mario pe care il stim cu totii, recreat pe Arduino UNO, cu soundtrack-ul si level design-ul original, alaturi de scorul obtinut de jucator pe parcursul nivelului.

Descriere generală

Schema bloc:

Hardware Design

Componente folosite:

  • Arduino UNO R3
  • Joystick
  • Speaker
  • LCD Display

Software Design

For Software Design, I have used the library called “LiquidCrystal.h”. Program used: Arduino IDE 2.0.4

Rezultate Obţinute

The game works just fine.


I had to change the game, because I ran into all sorts of issues (the 1st display wasn't good, had a few problems with the Arduino Uno R3). I am a little disappointed that i could not come up with the initial idea of the game, but overall I'm still happy that I managed to come up with a functional game.


Here is the code for the game:


May 5th: Creation of page.
May 29th: Updated sections for Hardware, Software and Conclusions. Game also tested.


Listă cu documente, datasheet-uri, resurse Internet folosite, eventual grupate pe Resurse Software şi Resurse Hardware.

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pm/prj2023/avaduva/mario.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/30 19:19 by mircea_dan.deaconu
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