#include <LiquidCrystal.h> const int c = 262; const int d = 294; const int e = 330; const int f = 349; const int g = 392; const int a = 440; const int b = 494; int kc = 0; int kd = 0; int ke = 0; int kf = 0; int kg = 0; int ka = 0; int kb = 0; const int rs = 12; const int en = 11; const int d4 = 5; const int d5 = 4; const int d6 = 3; const int d7 = 2; const int contrastPin = A0; const int lcdColumns = 20; const int lcdRows = 4; const int speakerPin = 9; // Broche de sortie audio LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); const int photodiodePin_c = 0; const int photodiodePin_d = 1; const int photodiodePin_e = 6; const int photodiodePin_f = 7; const int photodiodePin_g = 8; const int photodiodePin_a = 10; const int photodiodePin_b = A2; void setup() { lcd.begin(lcdColumns, lcdRows); analogWrite(contrastPin, 75); lcd.print("Hello"); } void loop() { bool laserDetected_c = digitalRead(photodiodePin_c); bool laserDetected_d = digitalRead(photodiodePin_d); bool laserDetected_e = digitalRead(photodiodePin_e); bool laserDetected_f = digitalRead(photodiodePin_f); bool laserDetected_g = digitalRead(photodiodePin_g); bool laserDetected_a = digitalRead(photodiodePin_a); bool laserDetected_b = digitalRead(photodiodePin_b); if (!laserDetected_c) { Serial.println("c detected"); tone(speakerPin, c); kc = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a C !"); } if (!laserDetected_d) { Serial.println("d detected"); tone(speakerPin, d); kd = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a D !"); } if (!laserDetected_e) { Serial.println("e detected"); tone(speakerPin, e); ke = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a E !"); } if (!laserDetected_f) { Serial.println("f detected"); tone(speakerPin, f); kf = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a F !"); } if (!laserDetected_g) { Serial.println("g detected"); tone(speakerPin, g); kg = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a G !"); } if (!laserDetected_a) { Serial.println("a detected"); tone(speakerPin, a); ka = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing an A !"); } if (!laserDetected_b) { Serial.println("b detected"); tone(speakerPin, b); kb = 1; delay(300); lcd.print("You are plaing a B !"); } if (laserDetected_c && kc==1) { noTone(speakerPin); kc = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_d && kd==1) { noTone(speakerPin); kd = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_e && ke==1) { noTone(speakerPin); ke = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_f && kf==1) { noTone(speakerPin); kf = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_g && kg==1) { noTone(speakerPin); kg = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_a && ka==1) { noTone(speakerPin); ka = 0; delay(300); } if (laserDetected_b && kb==1) { noTone(speakerPin); kb = 0; delay(300); } delay(100); }
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