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pm:prj2023:alucaci:water-refilling-system [2023/05/29 20:46]
robert.popovici [Jurnal]
pm:prj2023:alucaci:water-refilling-system [2023/05/29 20:53] (current)
robert.popovici [Bibliografie/Resurse]
Line 741: Line 741:
 ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse ===== ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse =====
-<​note>​ +=== Resure ​Hardware ​===
-Listă cu documente, datasheet-uri,​ resurse Internet folosite, eventual grupate pe **Resurse Software** şi **Resurse ​Hardware**. +
-<​html><​a class="media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</a></html>+  * https://​www.electronicshub.org/​arduino-mega-pinout/​ 
 +  * https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​pm/​doc8272.pdf 
 +  * https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=58XWVDnB7Ss&​ab_channel=Robojax 
 +  * https://​arduinogetstarted.com/​tutorials/​arduino-controls-pump 
 +  * https://​www.circuitstoday.com/​interfacing-8x8-led-matrix-with-arduino 
 +=== Resure Software === 
 +  * https://​github.com/​mike-matera/​ArduinoSTL 
 +  * https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​pm/lab/lab3-2023
pm/prj2023/alucaci/water-refilling-system.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/29 20:53 by robert.popovici
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