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pm:prj2022:sionescu:551 [2022/06/01 22:39]
natalia.plesca [Download]
pm:prj2022:sionescu:551 [2022/06/01 22:43] (current)
natalia.plesca [Download]
Line 85: Line 85:
 <note warning> <note warning>
 +**Aici se gaseste codul si video cu modul in care functioneaza senzorul de puls**
 {{ :​pm:​prj2022:​sionescu:​plesca_natalia_cod.rar?​ |}}  {{ :​pm:​prj2022:​sionescu:​plesca_natalia_cod.rar?​ |}} 
pm/prj2022/sionescu/551.1654112394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/01 22:39 by natalia.plesca
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