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pm:prj2022:sionescu:533 [2022/05/27 22:12]
alexandru.petre1902 [Software Design]
pm:prj2022:sionescu:533 [2022/05/27 22:14] (current)
alexandru.petre1902 [Software Design]
Line 51: Line 51:
 Pentru partea de server am folosit **Visual Studio Code** si pyhon. Libraria de UI este [[https://​dash.plotly.com/​|Dash]] iar pentru HTTP server este [[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.1.x/​|Flask]] Pentru partea de server am folosit **Visual Studio Code** si pyhon. Libraria de UI este [[https://​dash.plotly.com/​|Dash]] iar pentru HTTP server este [[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.1.x/​|Flask]]
 +Pentru a citi senzori la un interval de timp mai mare (jumatate de secunda) am folosit **timer1** de pe placuta NodeMCU.
 <​note>​ <​note>​
pm/prj2022/sionescu/533.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 22:14 by alexandru.petre1902
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