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pm:prj2022:sgherman:smart_plant_watering_system [2022/05/26 10:43]
pm:prj2022:sgherman:smart_plant_watering_system [2022/05/28 16:42] (current)
Line 23: Line 23:
 ==== Schema bloc ==== ==== Schema bloc ====
-{{:​pm:​prj2022:​sgherman:​smart_plant_watering_system_2.png |}}+{{:​pm:​prj2022:​sgherman:​smart_plant_watering_system_2.png?​651x351 ​|}}
Line 42: Line 42:
 ==== Schema electrica ==== ==== Schema electrica ====
-{{:​pm:​prj2022:​sgherman:​final.png?​750x351 ​|}}+{{:​pm:​prj2022:​sgherman:​schema_electrica_watering_system.png |}}
 ===== Software Design ===== ===== Software Design =====
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 **24.05.2022** **24.05.2022**
-  * Finalizare documentatie wiki+  * Cosmetizare dispozitiv
 **25.05.2022** **25.05.2022**
-  * Cosmetizare dispozitiv+  * Finalizare documentatie wiki
 **26.05.2022** **26.05.2022**
pm/prj2022/sgherman/smart_plant_watering_system.1653550981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/26 10:43 by andrei.nicolescu00
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