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pm:prj2022:sgherman:automaticguitartuner [2022/06/01 22:58]
tudor.hermenean [Bibliografie/Resurse]
pm:prj2022:sgherman:automaticguitartuner [2022/06/02 00:57] (current)
tudor.hermenean [Hardware design]
Line 24: Line 24:
 ===== Hardware design ===== ===== Hardware design =====
   * Arduino UNO   * Arduino UNO
-  * Breadboard+  * Breadboard ​X2
   * Fire de conexiune   * Fire de conexiune
   * Rezistente   * Rezistente
-  * Motor DC 9V+  * Motor DC 6V
   * Buton   * Buton
   * Amplificator operational modul LM386   * Amplificator operational modul LM386
 +  * modul H bridge L293D
 +  * Condensatoare
 +  * baterie 9V
   * Misc.   * Misc.
Line 56: Line 59:
 mai bun pentru detectare de sunet, astfel tunerul de multe ori are prea mult zgomot pentru a distinge notele mai bun pentru detectare de sunet, astfel tunerul de multe ori are prea mult zgomot pentru a distinge notele
 muzicale de la chitara. muzicale de la chitara.
 +{{:​pm:​prj2022:​sgherman:​proiect_chitara_tuner_30.jpeg |}}
 ===== Concluzii ===== ===== Concluzii =====
 A fost o experienta placuta in care am invatat multe lucruri despre folosirea si prelucrarea de semnale analogice. A fost o experienta placuta in care am invatat multe lucruri despre folosirea si prelucrarea de semnale analogice.
Line 88: Line 93:
 **Resurse Software** **Resurse Software**
-https://​www.instructables.com/​Arduino-Frequency-Detection/​ +  * https://​www.instructables.com/​Arduino-Frequency-Detection/​ 
-https://​www.instructables.com/​Arduino-Guitar-Tuner/​+  ​* ​https://​www.instructables.com/​Arduino-Guitar-Tuner/​
 **Resurse Hardware** **Resurse Hardware**
-https://​lowvoltage.wordpress.com/​2011/​05/​15/​lm386-mic-amp/​ +  * https://​lowvoltage.wordpress.com/​2011/​05/​15/​lm386-mic-amp/​ 
-https://​www.circuitbasics.com/​how-to-use-microphones-on-the-arduino/​ +  ​* ​https://​www.circuitbasics.com/​how-to-use-microphones-on-the-arduino/​ 
-https://​www.alldatasheet.com/​datasheet-pdf/​pdf/​22432/​STMICROELECTRONICS/​L293D.html +  ​* ​https://​www.alldatasheet.com/​datasheet-pdf/​pdf/​22432/​STMICROELECTRONICS/​L293D.html 
-https://​www.ti.com/​lit/​ds/​symlink/​lm386.pdf+  ​* ​https://​www.ti.com/​lit/​ds/​symlink/​lm386.pdf 
 <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Tudor_Hermenean_331CC</​a></​html>​ <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Tudor_Hermenean_331CC</​a></​html>​
pm/prj2022/sgherman/automaticguitartuner.1654113493.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/01 22:58 by tudor.hermenean
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