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pm:prj2022:rstanescu:xsi0 [2022/05/29 22:27]
tudor.niculescu0408 [Hardware Design]
pm:prj2022:rstanescu:xsi0 [2022/06/02 15:16] (current)
tudor.niculescu0408 [Bibliografie/Resurse]
Line 25: Line 25:
   * Joystick   * Joystick
   * 4 * modul max7219 cu Matrice LED 8x8   * 4 * modul max7219 cu Matrice LED 8x8
-  * Buton 
   * Breadboard   * Breadboard
   * Cabluri   * Cabluri
Line 63: Line 62:
 programul sa esueze. programul sa esueze.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 ===== Concluzii ===== ===== Concluzii =====
Line 71: Line 74:
 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
-<​note ​warning+<​note>​ 
-Poze si cod sursa -> coming soon+ 
 +Arhiva ​cod sursa -> {{:​pm:​prj2022:​rstanescu:​x_si_0_sursa.zip|}}
 </​note>​ </​note>​
Line 99: Line 103:
 <​note>​ <​note>​
-Librarie ​LedControl [[https://​github.com/​wayoda/​LedControl]]+Biblioteca ​LedControl [[https://​github.com/​wayoda/​LedControl]] 
 +Tutorial Max7219 controlat cu biblioteca LedControl: [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=R5ste5UHmQk]]
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​ <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​
pm/prj2022/rstanescu/xsi0.1653852456.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 22:27 by tudor.niculescu0408
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