Arduino's Smart Piano

AUTHOR: Andreea-Cristina Bobe

GROUP : 1221EA



This project will simulate a smart piano using an Arduino breadboard.

Besides implementing a simple piano, where you can play any song you want (in the limit of an octave because I only manage to connect 8 pushbuttons as keynotes), I came up with the idea of creating a special mode for those who do not know how to play the piano.

General Description

As I mentioned before, the smart piano will have 2 operational modes:

  • freestyle mode
  • teaching mode

In the freestyle mode, you can play any song you want. The LED corresponding to the piano key you pressed will light up imediatelly.

In the teaching mode, the LED corresponding to the piano key on which you have to press will light up. If you pressed the correct piano key, the keyboard will move to the next note. Otherwise, all LEDS will change their color to red.

Using the active feedback way of learning (based on the repetition of all the notes learned until then) you will learn the desired song you always wanted.

Hardware Design

For this project, I used:

  • 1 Arduino UNO
  • 1 Breadboard
  • 10 red push-buttons, 8 corresponding to the notes for each degree of the scale, a switch mode button and an on/off button
  • 8 white LEDs
  • 1 passive buzzer
  • 11 x 220Ω resistors

In Fixed do, each syllable corresponds to the name of a note. In the major Romance and Slavic languages, the syllables Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Si are used to name notes the same way that the letters C, D, E, F, G, A, and B are used to name notes in English.

Software Design

In setup am setat intreruperile pe pinii pe care aveam butoane.

In loop, in modul guided al pianului am aprins ledul corespunzator notei care trebuie apasate.

In functiile ISR am preluat intreruperile de la butoane si am cantat nota corespunzatoare butonului folosind tone sau am schimbat modul / melodia.

Melodiile alese au fost scrise in intr-o singura octava.

Am definit notele muzicale folosite si de asemenea o variabila tempo pt a face pianul sa cante mai incet sau mai repede dupa preferinta.

Functia sizeof returneaza numarul de bytes, fiecare valoare int este compusa din 2 bytes (16 bits).

Variabila wholenote calculeza durata totala a unei note in ms.

Obtained Results




pm/prj2022/robert/arduinospiano.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/02 14:10 by andreea.bobe1112
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