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pm:prj2022:dene:smartpot [2022/05/27 23:02]
andrei.toma1009 [Software Design]
pm:prj2022:dene:smartpot [2022/06/01 14:13] (current)
andrei.toma1009 [Rezultate Obtinute]
Line 26: Line 26:
   * Rezistente   * Rezistente
 ===== Software Design ===== ===== Software Design =====
Line 56: Line 57:
 Ultiemele 2 prezentate trimit mesaje catre Arduino. Ultiemele 2 prezentate trimit mesaje catre Arduino.
 +===== Rezultate Obtinute =====
 {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​tomaandrei_leds_off.jpeg}} {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​tomaandrei_leds_off.jpeg}}
 {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​tomaandrei_leds_on.jpeg}} {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​tomaandrei_leds_on.jpeg}}
 {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​rulare.png}} {{pm:​prj2022:​dene:​rulare.png}}
 ===== Concluzii ===== ===== Concluzii =====
Line 74: Line 78:
 ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse ===== ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse =====
-<​note>​ +https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​pm 
-Listă cu documente, datasheet-uri,​ resurse Internet folosite, eventual grupate pe **Resurse Software** şi **Resurse Hardware**+ 
 <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​ <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​
pm/prj2022/dene/smartpot.1653681775.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/27 23:02 by andrei.toma1009
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