Touchless trash can


  • A touchless automatic motion sensor trash can.
  • You do not have to touch any part of the trash bin just to open and close it.
  • No contact trash can means lesser chance on contaminating yourself with disease-causing bacteria and viruses
  • they are actually quite practical. They open and close automatically, keeping germs and related shmutz off your hands. Those with mobility problems may find the automatic feature more convenient than foot-operated models.

General description

Open The Lid Automatically Without Touching the Bin

With a motion sensor trash, you will automatically open and close the lid of the bin without needing to touch the bin physically. When the infrared motion sensor detects the motion of your hand or foot, the lid opens automatically.

Schematic View :

Hardware Design

Components :

- Arduino Uno

- Servo motor

- HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

- Servo arms

- Dupont Wire

- cardboard

- glue gun

Schema :

Software Design

Development environment:

Obtained results


the project is ready! after the covid pandemic you won't need to touch things anymore. especially the trash bin!



19/04/2021 - Realization of electrical diagram

21/04/2021 - Publication of the page and creation of the block diagram

06/05/2021 - simulation on Tinkercad

22/05/2021 - Data from sensors is successfully collected and processed


pm/prj2022/avaduva/touchlesstrashcan/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 15:55 by fatima.ousni
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