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pm:prj2022:avaduva:mesurement_of_water_s_temperature [2022/05/27 01:39]
liza.batache [Download]
pm:prj2022:avaduva:mesurement_of_water_s_temperature [2022/05/27 02:06] (current)
liza.batache [General description]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Distance Sensor and OLED ====== ====== Distance Sensor and OLED ======
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
Line 12: Line 13:
 <note tip> <note tip>
-With this project, we will be able to read the distance calculated ​by the sensor between the sensor and the object in the front, from the oled.+With this project, we will be able to read the distance calculated ​using the code and the sensorbetween the sensor and the object in the front, from the oled.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
Line 44: Line 45:
 <note tip> <note tip>
-The results obtained : The distance ​calculated and displayed ​in the oled+The distance ​was displayed ​on the OLED 
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-===== Concluzii ===== 
 +===== Conclusion =====
 +The results obtained : The distance calculated and displayed in the oled
 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
 <note warning> <note warning>
-Not the best project, but I tried to do my best ^_^ !+Not the best project, but I tried to do my best ^_^ 
-===== Jurnal =====+{{:​pm:​prj2022:​avaduva:​video.zip|}}
-<note tip> 
-You can also have a log section where the project assistant can track the progress of the project. 
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse ===== ===== Bibliografie/​Resurse =====
 <​note>​ <​note>​
-List of documentsdatasheets, Internet resources used, possibly grouped by Software Resources and Hardware Resources.+ 
 +The example (OLED SPI 128x64) in arduino helped me alot. 
 +Some youtube videos were also helpfulinlcuding the labs. 
 +https://​www.arduino.cc/​ The documentation section. 
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​ <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="?​do=export_pdf">​Export to PDF</​a></​html>​
pm/prj2022/avaduva/mesurement_of_water_s_temperature.1653604778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/27 01:39 by liza.batache
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