Button-Buzzer Piano with Octave Switcher - VLADOIU Vlad Florin

Vlad Florin VLADOIU (118647) 2022/06/02 09:19


  1. Plays up to 5 notes associated with a push-button each (starting from C);
  2. Features 2 extra buttons for going up or down an octave.

General Description


Hardware Design

Modules & pieces:

  1. Arduino Uno R3;
  2. Breadboard;
  3. 1 LED;
  4. 1 220Ω resistor;
  5. 5 small + 2 bigger push-buttons;
  6. Buzzer.

Project Design:

Software Design

  1. Arduino IDE;
  2. Set button frequencies for up to +1 and down to -1 octaves;
  3. Increments and decrements an int for each octave step and enters each case with their respective frequencies.

Demonstration Video

Bibliography / Resources

pm/prj2022/apredescu/buzzerpiano.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/02 10:35 by vlad_florin.vladoiu
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