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pm:prj2022:amocanu:cristian.apostol [2022/05/27 17:48]
cristian.apostol [Download]
pm:prj2022:amocanu:cristian.apostol [2022/06/01 10:52] (current)
cristian.apostol [Download]
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 ===== Concluzii ===== ===== Concluzii =====
-{{:​pm:​prj2022:​amocanu:​cristian_apostol_decodor_morse.zip|}}===== Download =====+In urma realizarii acestui proiect pot spune ca inteleg mai bine felul in care functioneaza microprocesoarele si componentele ce intra in alcatuirea dispozitivelor,​ majoritatea invataturilor trase fiind datorate erorilor ce mi-au dat batai de capIn ciuda acestora, mi-a facut placere sa ajung la acest rezultat. 
 +===== Download =====
 <note warning> <note warning>
pm/prj2022/amocanu/cristian.apostol.1653662899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/27 17:48 by cristian.apostol
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