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August 29, 2021: The CNS exam in the autumn session will take place in two dates:

  • Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 3pm-5pm
  • Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 3pm-5pm

The exam will be an oral exam taking place on Microsoft Teams. See instructions on the grading page. Please register to one of the two dates by filling on of the two threads on the discussions forum.

January 18, 2021: We value your opinions and input on improving the Computer and Network Security class (CNS) and its components. Please take the time and fill the feedback form on You have to be logged in and enrolled in the course. You have to use the per-series instance (SCPD or SRIC).

The feedback form is anonymous and active from January 18, 2021 to January 29, 2021. We will only be able to see the results at the end of the exam session.

We kindly ask you to evaluate the activity of the CNS team and mention the strong and weak points and your suggestions for improvement. Your feedback will help us improve both the CNS class and other classes you will go through in the future.

We are particularly interested in:

  • What didn't you like and what you consider didn't go well?
  • Why didn't you like that and why you consider it didn't go well?
  • What should we do to make things likable and going well?

November 25, 2020: As shown in the Calendar there will be no activities (lectures or labs) in the November 30 - December 4, 2020 week.

October 18, 2020: We have updated the CNS kali VM; it can be found here. Basic information about it can be found here.

October 12, 2020: Per your request, we have moved one of the lab slots from Monday, 18:00-20:00 to Thursday 18:00-20:00. This change will only take effect from next week (19 Oct - 23 Oct) on.

If you want to attend this slot, please fill your name in the new thread here. The 3rd Monday lab slot thread is now locked. If you already wrote your name in another lab slot thread, please edit your comment to strike through your name.

October 06, 2020: The lab groups will be created after replying to the lab allocation threads on the Discussions forum starting with Wednesday, October 07, 10:15 AM. There will be a thread for each lab slot where you will fill your name and master program until a limit of 16 students per lab slot. You can only fill your own name.

We will then fill the lab split here.

October 06, 2020: Welcome to the wonderful and challenging world of security. Put on your hackers hats, get your assembly skills on, start thinking in binary and let's get cracking! :-) The Computer and Network Security class focuses on offensive security: i.e. reverse engineering, binary analysis, exploiting and runtime application security. We will not tackle crypto or web security as these are going to be better handled at other classes. Enjoy the ride!

The first Computer and Network Security lecture will take place on Monday, October 12, 2020. The first Computer and Network Security lab will take place on Monday, October 12, 2020, 6pm-8pm. The last instance of the first lab will take place on Monday, October 19, 2020, 2pm-4pm.

Both the lecture and labs will take place on the Microsoft Teams platform, so join the CNS Team. There are two additional Teams, for SRIC and SCPD students, who should join these in addition to the main one.

All information is on the wiki. Please check the CNS Need to Know page.

For starters please join the mailing list. The administrative staff will also provide you access to the class.

cns/news.1630269151.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/08/29 23:32 by razvan.deaconescu
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