Extra - Advanced Binary Analysis


Lab Support Files

We will use this lab archive throughout the lab.

Please download the lab archive an then unpack it using the commands below:

spyked@tuvok:~% wget http://elf.cs.pub.ro/oss/res/labs/lab-13.tar.gz
spyked@tuvok:~% tar xzf lab-13.tar.gz

After unpacking we will get the lab-13/ folder that we will use for the lab:

spyked@tuvok:~% cd lab-13 
spyked@tuvok:~/lab-13% ls -F
0-tutorial/  1-baby-re/  2-hash/

Introduction: Binary Analysis Techniques

So far our analysis techniques and tools of the trade have been very basic. Traditionally, binary analysis relies on disassembling executables, searching for data in binaries, dumping and searching memory in live processes and observing program control flow, e.g. by using a debugger. This is the bare minimum that we must do in order to find bugs (and hopefully, from our attacker's mindset, vulnerabilities), but these methods are often laborious and they do not scale to large programs. For example, looking for vulnerabilities in a large project such as a web server, an operating system kernel or a compiler might require weeks or even months to understand the (source or binary) code and this would give us no guarantees that we haven't missed a critical bug.

Intuitively, we should be able to partially automate the analysis process. We know that a program may crash (and may be potentially exploitable) in response to some specific inputs, e.g. a very long string, a big number, a malformed file or a combination between these. The problem of finding vulnerabilities then becomes: what are the specific inputs that make a program exploitable? In this lab we'll discuss two fundamental approaches for this problem:

  • Fuzz testing
  • Symbolic execution

Due to time constraints, we will only try out symbolic execution, but you are encouraged to also look at fuzzing. AFL can be quickly compiled and there are various tutorials (fuzzing tutorial 1, fuzzing tutorial 2) that you can go through.

Fuzz testing

To understand how fuzz testing works, let's start from the following simple program written in C, reminiscent of the integers lab:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int count = atoi(argv[1]);
    int buf[10];
    if(count >= 10 ) 
        return 1;
    memcpy(buf, argv[2], count * sizeof(int));
    if(count == 0x574f4c46) {
    } else
        printf("Not today son\n");
    return 0;

The program receives a number and an arbitrary string as arguments; count = atoi(argv[1]) represents the length of the string stored in argv[2]. The program copies argv[2] into a local variable buf, which we hope to be able to overflow into count in order to make count == 0x574f4c46 become true. We know that the vulnerability comes from an integer overflow: count is a signed integer, but count * sizeof(int) is an unsigned integer (size_t), so by giving a large negative number as input, we can make count * sizeof(int) overflow into a small enough number. In fact we can make count * sizeof(int) be precisely 44.

This bug is easy to understand, but how do we find it automatically? The most intuitive approach would be to brute-force count and argv[2], i.e. try:

  • ./level07 -1 an_input_string
  • ./level07 -2 another_input_string
  • ./level07 -1073741813 "aaaaa...FLOW" (our desired example)

What is the total space of inputs that we're searching? count is an int, so we have 2^32 possible inputs. We can assume that we bound argv[2] to a string of size 44, which means that the total size in bits will be 44 * 8, which means we're searching a total space of 2^32 * 2^352 = 2^384 possible inputs. This input space is huge, which makes naïve brute-force a very expensive approach.

This is especially problematic when the inputs that we search for are sparse, i.e. when they constitute a small proportion of the total number of inputs. In our example we can reduce the search space of count to 2^31 (we're only searching for negative numbers), but even so, only a few numbers (the ones around -1073741813 and the ones around -2147483637) represent target inputs. For argv[2] things are a bit simpler: we have a string that we want to end in "FLOW" (the little-endian string equivalent for 0x574f4c46), and we don't care about the content of the rest of the string, but in general we don't exactly know what the length of this string should be. Thus we can make fuzzing more efficient if we provide these constraints.

Another shortcoming of fuzzing is that, being a dynamic approach, it usually only searches for inputs that crash the program – in our example we're looking for inputs that lead to the execution of printf("WIN!\n");. In this case the problem is that many inputs may crash the program (e.g. ./level07 -1 "AAA"), but they won't lead us to the desired branch, which is very inefficient.

Modern fuzzers provide a more informed approach to brute-forcing, by:

  • using evolutionary algorithms to explore the input space;
  • keeping information about the internal program state (e.g. the paths exercised by specific inputs) by using compiler instrumentation;
  • providing the possibility to (partially or totally) specify the input grammar in a dictionary, and/or automatically synthesizing the input grammar.

Examples of binary application fuzzers include: AFL, zzuf and boofuzz.

Symbolic execution

We have seen that fuzz testing doesn't perform well in exploring all the paths in the control flow graph of a program. The reason is that at run-time some inputs might only rarely or never trigger the execution of a certain path, and the best the fuzzer can do is try to guess what inputs would drive the program to execute some given code.

Symbolic execution is a program analysis tool that tries to exhaustively explore the control flow paths in a given program. The program is not executed per se, but it is interpreted in the following manner:

  • Program inputs are associated with abstract symbols rather than concrete values.
  • At each branching condition, the program state is forked: one state is associated with the case when the branch is taken and the associated constraint is stored for the variable upon which the condition is based; the other state is associated with the case when the branch is not taken, and the negation of the constraint is stored for the same variable; each of the states is explored separately.
  • When the exploration of a path ends, a solver tries to satisfy all the constraints generated on that path, and paths that resolve to a contradiction are discarded as unsatisfiable; otherwise, concrete values are generated for some or all of the symbols (a step which is known as concretization).

Let's illustrate how our level07 program would be explored by a symbolic execution engine. We have two inputs, argv[1] and argv[2] whose values we don't know. We thus give them symbolic values, by applying the constraints argv[1] = α and argv[2] = β. Additionally, argv[1] is converted using atoi, which will generate another constraint, γ = atoi(α); and buf will be associated with another symbolic value, δ. The exploration of all the paths is shown in the figure below.

We denote the target state in our symbolic execution (the one in which printf("WIN!\n"); has been called) using a check mark (✔) and dead ends using a circle (●). The path we are looking for seems unsatisfiable at a first look (γ < 10 and γ = 0x574f4c46), but in fact the call to memcpy, for certain values values of β and γ, will generate a state where δ (the symbolic value associated with buf) will have overflown into γ.

The calls to atoi and memcpy are also symbolic. γ = atoi(α) generates a set of constraints for α (atoi only works on certain inputs), while the call memcpy(δ, β, γ * 4) generates a set of constraints for all the variables involved.

For this to be possible, the symbolic execution engine needs to have an underlying memory model and an execution model of programs written in a given language, e.g. how variables are stored in memory, how they change in time, etc. For C programs, this model depends on assumptions about how the compiler generates code (e.g. how structures are packed in memory); for binary programs this goes to a model of the instruction set, down to registers, memory mappings, etc. as we will see later.

This property of abstraction and concretization makes symbolic execution engines very complex and powerful tools. Reasoning about programs in this manner can however also be prone to mistakes and limitations, e.g. if the system model is incomplete.

When the symbolic execution ends (assuming it ended without errors), we can look at the target state and concretize any of the symbolic variables in the program. For example γ will obviously resolve to 0x574f4c46. α and β will resolve to an input, or a set of inputs, that trigger the execution path we're looking for.

While symbolic execution is much more precise than fuzzing (and other techniques), it is also much more computationally expensive. Symbolic execution is especially problematic when the program contains loops, where it suffers from the state explosion problem: in loops such as while (condition) the state may be forked indefinitely, and thus the symbolic execution algorithm would never explore the program past the loop.

Symbolic execution also scales poorly to large programs. For example kernels such as Linux are difficult to execute symbolically, as they depend on a lot of internal and external state and some of the code (e.g. the scheduler) will immediately lead to state explosion.

To solve the scalability issue, symbolic execution engines use various strategies: massively parallel execution and state merging (merging the constraints of two states into a single state) are two optimizations. Additionally, some engines, such as S2E, selectively execute only a subset of the code, switching between concrete and symbolic execution as the need arises.

Symbolic execution can also be combined with other analysis methods (e.g. fuzzing) through a technique that is known as concolic execution. Concolic execution involves performing symbolic and concrete execution in parallel, or (often) executing the program with concrete arguments up to a certain point, then continuing with symbolic execution.

Examples of symbolic execution engines include Angr, KLEE, Kite, Mayhem and S2E.

Tutorial: Symbolic Execution using Angr [2p]

First, install angr. See http://angr.io/install.html.

Make sure you grab all the dependencies, as per the documentation:

sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev build-essential virtualenvwrapper

Note that you need to install angr in a Python virtual environment. If you're on Debian/Ubuntu, make sure you have the virtualenvwrapper package installed. Also make sure that in all the terminals where you want to use angr, you run the following commands:

$ # replace the following with your favourite Python virtualenv directory
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/.environments
$ # replace the following with your virtualenvwrapper.sh location if needed
$ source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh

This setup is not persistent, so you will have to run it every time you open a new terminal.

Then, to create the angr virtual environment, run:

$ mkvirtualenv angr

This will create the new virtual environment and activate it. To install angr inside the virtual environment, run:

(angr) $ pip install angr

To activate the existing angr virtual environment in a new terminal, run:

$ workon angr
(angr) $ python my_angr_script.py

For more details, refer to the Python virtualenv guide.

If you get the following message when you try to run solve.py:

ImportError: cannot import name arm

Try applying the workaround from this GitHub issue: https://github.com/angr/angr/issues/52#issuecomment-169509200

Then let's go to the 0-tutorial folder, which contains level07 and level07.c. We also have an example solver script called solver.py. Let's take a look at it.

angr organizes binary analyses into projects. Creating a new angr project is as simple as:

b = angr.Project('./level07')

First, we want to generate the arguments that we will pass to level07. The arguments can be concrete (e.g. Python strings, integers, etc.) or symbolic. We're lazy, so let's pass the two arguments as symbolic variables. angr uses claripy as a solver engine, so we will instantiate the arguments using it:

arg1 = claripy.BVS('sym_arg', 8 * 11) # maximum 11 * 8 bits
arg2 = claripy.BVS('sym_arg', 8 * 44) # maximum 44 * 8 bits

where arg1 is a symbolic value (BVS) of 11 bytes, and arg2 is another symbolic value, of 44 bytes. Note that we are passing arg1 as a string, and decimal int numbers passed to level07 are at most 11 bytes in length.

At this point, claripy does not know that arg1 is a number represented as a string. All it sees is a symbolic argument, which may resolve to any binary data.

Next, we want to create an initial state to start from. angr uses SimuVEX to represent program state, which includes a low-level architecture-dependent representation of the binary we're analyzing. angr provides a factory object to generate our initial state:

st = b.factory.entry_state(args=['./level07', arg1, arg2])
st.libc.max_strtol_len = 11 # tweak

st will be our new state.

The st.libc.max_strtol_len tweak tells the atoi/strtol symbolic representation to resolve strings that are of at most 11 bytes length (the default is 10). See this GitHub issue for more details.

At this point we (the user) are making an implicit assumption about atoi, i.e. we know that our input will be passed through it. This normally requires some trial and error.

Now we will create what in angr terms is called a path group. A path group is an object that we can use to explore paths in our program. We will create our new path group pg starting from st:

pg = b.factory.path_group(st)

At this point we can instruct the symbolic execution engine to:

  • perform a single step – pg.step()
  • perform a number of steps – e.g. pg.run(n=20) to run at most 20 steps
  • run until all paths have been executed – pg.run()
  • explore until a solution has been found – e.g.
    • pg.explore(find=0x804846b) will try to find a path that leads to 0x804846b
    • pg.explore(find=lambda path : my_predicate(path))) will try to find a path that satisfies my_predicate
    • pg.explore(find=addr1, avoid=addr2) will try to find a path that leads to addr1 and avoid all paths that lead to addr2

We want to find a path where the string "WIN!\n" is printed to standard output. Thus we will do:

pg.explore(find=lambda p: "WIN" in p.state.posix.dumps(1))

This can be read as: explore looking for the path p for which the current state p.state contains the string "WIN" in its standard output (p.state.posix.dumps(1), where 1 is the file descriptor for stdout).

After execution is done, we can print pg, getting something such as:

pg = <PathGroup with 1 deadended, 1 active, 1 found>

This tells us that pg contains exactly 1 path which reached the end, 1 path left to explore and 1 path for which a solution was found. At this point we could further explore along the active path, but we don't need to do that.

For example pg.found and pg.deadended are lists of paths; pg.found[0] is the first path in found, and pg.found[0].state is the current state in that path. See the “Stash types” section in the path groups chapter of the angr documentation for more details on types of paths in a path group.

Given that we have a found path, let's look at the current state in this path:

s = pg.found[0].state

We can do a lot of things with s, including:

  • inspecting file descriptor streams, e.g. s.posix.dumps(n), where n is a file descriptor number
  • inspecting registers, e.g. s.regs.eax
  • inspecting memory, e.g. s.mem[0x7ffeff18]
  • using the solver (s.se) to concretize symbolic values

See Working with Data and Conventions for more details on how to inspect memory, registers, etc.

We want to concretize arg1 and arg2 and print them, i.e.:

print "arg1 = {} ".format(repr(s.se.any_str(arg1)))
print "arg2 = {} ".format(repr(s.se.any_str(arg2)))

What we do here is instruct the solver to give us the string representation of the first solution it finds from solving constraints, for each of arg1 and arg2. See Program states for more info on how s.se works.

The output of our concretization will be:

arg1 = '-2147483627'
arg2 = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00FLOW'

Let's try these out:

$ ./level07 -2147483627 $(echo -ne '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00FLOW')
segmentation fault

It may be that above so many NUL-bytes will not work properly under Bash. So you can replace that with a command such as the one below

$ ./level07 -2147483627 $(python -c 'print "A"*40 + "FLOW"')
segmentation fault

angr is a very complex framework for symbolic execution. So if you are trying to do something in particular and don't know how, arm yourself with patience, consult the documentation and, if nothing seems to work, ask the lab assistant.


0. Extra: Feedback [2p]

We value your opinions and input on improving the Computer and Network Security class (CNS) and its components. Please take the time and fill the feedback form on cs.curs.pub.ro. Your feedback is very important for us to improve both the CNS class and other classes you will go through in the future.

We are particularly interested in:

  • What didn't you like and what you consider didn't go well?
  • Why didn't you like that and why you consider it didn't go well?
  • What should we do to make things likable and going well?

Thank you!

1. baby-re [3p]

We're given a binary (1-baby-re/baby-re) that we want to reverse engineer, the end result being a flag. Running the program, we see that it asks us for some inputs:

$ ./baby-re 
Var[0]: 1
Var[1]: 2
Var[2]: 3
Var[3]: 4
Var[4]: 5
Var[5]: 6
Var[6]: 7
Var[7]: 8
Var[8]: 9
Var[9]: 0
Var[10]: 1
Var[11]: 2
Var[12]: 3

Before trying to execute it symbolically, let's try to inspect it. We have all the options that we know from the previous labs:

  • disassembling it;
  • strace-ing it;
  • looking at the ELF header, symbols, strings, etc.;
  • running it with GDB and inspecting memory, etc.

Since the program outputs some strings, let's look at it with strings. We notice that the programmer defined the following strings:

$ strings baby-re | grep -v '^_\|^\.\|GLIBC\|\.so'
The flag is: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c

The string starting with "The flag is: " is what we want to see printed. Let's look a bit at the program flow, using objdump. Looking at main, we see that there are a lot of scanfs performed (the ones that get Var[0], Var[1], and so on), and then CheckSolution is called. We're interested in this particular piece of the code:

00000000004025e7 <main>:
  4028dd:       48 89 c7                mov    rdi,rax
  4028e0:       e8 e1 dd ff ff          call   4006c6 <CheckSolution>
  4028e5:       84 c0                   test   al,al
  4028e7:       74 58                   je     402941 <main+0x35a>
  402924:       45 89 f1                mov    r9d,r14d
  402927:       45 89 e8                mov    r8d,r13d
  40292a:       89 c6                   mov    esi,eax
  40292c:       bf 88 2a 40 00          mov    edi,0x402a88
  402931:       b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
  402936:       e8 45 dc ff ff          call   400580 <printf@plt>
  40293b:       48 83 c4 40             add    rsp,0x40
  40293f:       eb 0a                   jmp    40294b <main+0x364>
  402941:       bf b1 2a 40 00          mov    edi,0x402ab1
  402946:       e8 15 dc ff ff          call   400560 <puts@plt>
  40294b:       b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
  402950:       48 8b 5d d8             mov    rbx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28]
  402954:       64 48 33 1c 25 28 00    xor    rbx,QWORD PTR fs:0x28

We notice that at 0x4028e7 we have a check that jumps at 0x402941 if a condition is set. The code at 0x402941 in turns calls puts (not printf; in fact, we can assume this is where "Wrong" is printed.), which means that is not the code that prints the flag. So that is a path that we want to avoid.

If we get at 0x40293b, however, then it means printf will have been called, and we can assume this is what prints the flag. Then a jump to 0x40294b will be performed, which leads to the end of the program.

Now we know exactly what path we want to find (a path ending in 0x40293b or 0x40294b), and what paths we want to avoid (all the paths where puts("Wrong"); is executed).

Given this information, your task is to fill in solve_skel.py with an angr script that solves the riddle and makes the program print out the flag. Remember that in this case we don't need to find out the exact inputs that print out the solution; we only care about the flag, which is printed to standard output (path_groups.found[0].state.posix.dumps(1)).

The typical symbolic execution run can take minutes, if not hours or days to complete. The exploration for this task may take around 5 to 10 minutes to run, so make sure to carefully verify your script before running it.

2. hash [5p]

Switch to 2-hash. The task performs a hash on the input and overwrites the return address with the function output. Use this to jump to the win function.

  1. Solve the task by hand [2p]
  2. Solve the task using the provided angr skeleton script [3p]

What properties do hash functions have in general? What properties do you think the hash function hash has? For the first part of the task, you might be able to get away with brute-forcing the hash inverse.

scanf might behave oddly when we try to execute it symbolically. We're not interested in it: we just want to execute hash and find the input argument (the 8-byte value stored on the stack) for which the output (the value in eax at the end of the function/after returning from it) has a particular value.

The angr skeleton script (skel.py) captures this pattern very well, so you need to just look for the right addresses in the binary and make sure you understand what is it that is set as input, explored, solved, etc.

cns/labs/lab-13.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/08 15:19 by dennis.plosceanu
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