This is an old revision of the document!

CNS Need to Know

Where Do I Start?

  • Read the mailing list page, get accustomed to the mailing rules and then subscribe to the mailing list.
    • Use the CNS mailing list anytime you have questions about lectures, labs, assignments, tests or anything regarding security and the CNS class.
    • Please avoid private discussions with members of the CNS team (such as private e-mails or messenger apps) when the mailing list can be used as well. This way others will be able to find out about your problem and maybe help solve it. Or get a public answer in case they stumble upon the same problem.
  • Subscribe to the CNS wiki feed and follow the news page.
  • Explore the other resources.



Please use the mailing list and discussions during labs and lectures to provide feedback to the CNS team.

The analysis of the end of semester feedback (provided using the portal is publicly available here. It's also embedded below.

cns/need-to-know.1475426026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/02 19:33 by razvan.deaconescu
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