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cns:need-to-know [2020/10/06 15:11]
mihai.dumitru2201 [Resources]
cns:need-to-know [2020/10/11 18:24] (current)
mihai.dumitru2201 [Resources] add public repo
Line 19: Line 19:
   * [[https://​curs.upb.ro/​|The curs.upb.ro portal]]: If you are not enrolled, please enroll yourself by accessing the CNS instance.   * [[https://​curs.upb.ro/​|The curs.upb.ro portal]]: If you are not enrolled, please enroll yourself by accessing the CNS instance.
   * [[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​team/​19%3aa384e9b4e221420c94a37e486bf1578b%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?​groupId=36313d09-4e59-48a8-ba44-4748332e3007&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac|Platforma Microsoft Teams]] pentru activități didactice online   * [[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​team/​19%3aa384e9b4e221420c94a37e486bf1578b%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?​groupId=36313d09-4e59-48a8-ba44-4748332e3007&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac|Platforma Microsoft Teams]] pentru activități didactice online
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​systems-cs-pub-ro/​cns|The CNS public repository]] for lab content
   * [[:​cns:​news|The news page]]   * [[:​cns:​news|The news page]]
   * [[:​cns:​resources:​feed|The CNS wiki feed]]   * [[:​cns:​resources:​feed|The CNS wiki feed]]
cns/need-to-know.1601986302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/06 15:11 by mihai.dumitru2201
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