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cns:lectures:lecture-04 [2016/10/24 12:22]
cns:lectures:lecture-04 [2019/10/27 12:31] (current)
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 +====== Lecture 04 - Exploiting. Shellcodes ======
 +  * [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​04-exploiting-handout.pdf|Slides]]
 +  * **Keywords**:​ bugs, vulnerabilities,​ exploit, shellcode, shellcode construction,​ shellcode triggering, shellcode placing, syscall, null, stack buffer overflow
 +  <​center>​
 +    <iframe src="​https://​docs.google.com/​viewer?​url=http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​04-exploiting-handout.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470"​ style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​
 +  </​center>​
 +===== Demos =====
 +For obtaining the [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​04-exploiting-demo.zip|demo archive]], run the following commands:
 +<code bash>
 +wget http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​04-exploiting-demo.zip
 +unzip 04-exploiting-demo.zip
 +cd 04-exploiting-demo/​
 ====== Lecture 04 - Processes. Dynamic Analysis. GDB ====== ====== Lecture 04 - Processes. Dynamic Analysis. GDB ======
-  * [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​lecture-04.pdf | Slides]]+  * [[https://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​lecture-04.pdf|Slides]]
   * **Keywords**:​ static analysis, dynamic analysis, process, blackbox, profiling, debugging, fuzzing, strace / ltrace, lsof / pmap, perf, GDB, LLDB, JTAG, breakpoint, ''​info'',​ ''​examine'',​ ''​ni'',​ ''​si'',​ ''​backtrace'',​ ''​up'',​ ''​down'',​ ''​write'',​ ''​searchmem'',​ dynamic linking, dynamic loading, lazy binding, trampoline, PLT, GOT   * **Keywords**:​ static analysis, dynamic analysis, process, blackbox, profiling, debugging, fuzzing, strace / ltrace, lsof / pmap, perf, GDB, LLDB, JTAG, breakpoint, ''​info'',​ ''​examine'',​ ''​ni'',​ ''​si'',​ ''​backtrace'',​ ''​up'',​ ''​down'',​ ''​write'',​ ''​searchmem'',​ dynamic linking, dynamic loading, lazy binding, trampoline, PLT, GOT
 <​html>​ <​html>​
-  <iframe src="http://​docs.google.com/​viewer?​url=http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​lecture-04.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470"​ style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​+  ​<​center>​ 
 +    ​<iframe src="https://​docs.google.com/​viewer?​url=https://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​cns/​res/​lectures/​lecture-04.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470"​ style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe
 +  </center>
 </​html>​ </​html>​
cns/lectures/lecture-04.1477300920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/24 12:22 by razvan.deaconescu
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