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cns:labs:lab-11 [2022/01/17 08:36]
razvan.deaconescu [Resources]
cns:labs:lab-11 [2022/01/18 15:59] (current)
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 ===== Resources ===== ===== Resources =====
-  * [[https://​cns-ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/home| CNS CTF platform]]+  * [[https://​cns-lab-ctf21.cyberedu.ro/#challenges|CyberEdu ​CNS CTF platform]]
 ===== Feedback ===== ===== Feedback =====
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 tasks in the same style as the assignments. tasks in the same style as the assignments.
-Go to the [[https://​cns-ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/​challenges?​category=lab-11Lab 11]] on the CTF platform and solve the tasks related to this lab.+Use the `11-ctf1`-prefixed challenges on the [[https://​cns-lab-ctf21.cyberedu.ro/#challenges|CyberEdu CNS CTF platform]] and solve the tasks related to this lab.
cns/labs/lab-11.1642401368.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/17 08:36 by razvan.deaconescu
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