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cns:labs:lab-01 [2020/10/12 17:43]
dennis.plosceanu [2. odd-password]
cns:labs:lab-01 [2021/10/12 16:07] (current)
razvan.deaconescu [Tasks]
Line 8: Line 8:
 In the introductory lab we'll spice things up a bit by providing some simple binaries (with no source code) for you to play with. In order to solve the lab, you'll have to perform both **static analysis** and **dynamic analysis** on said binaries. In the introductory lab we'll spice things up a bit by providing some simple binaries (with no source code) for you to play with. In order to solve the lab, you'll have to perform both **static analysis** and **dynamic analysis** on said binaries.
-For consistency we recommend you use the provided [[cns:​resources:​vm|Kali ​Virtuam ​Machine]] for all the labs from this point forward.+For consistency we recommend you use the provided [[cns:​resources:​vm|Kali ​Virtual ​Machine]] for all the labs from this point forward.
-As a bonus the same tasks in this lab are compiled for the ARM architecture,​ you can use the [[cns:​resources:​vm|Debian ARM Virtuam ​Machine]] for these tasks.+As a bonus the same tasks in this lab are compiled for the ARM architecture,​ you can use the [[cns:​resources:​vm|Debian ARM Virtual ​Machine]] for these tasks.
 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
-All content necessary for the CNS laboratory tasks can be found in [[cns:​resources:​repo|the CNS public repository]]. ​+All content necessary for the CNS laboratory tasks can be found in [[cns:​resources:​repo|the CNS public repository]], in the ''​labs/​01-introduction/''​ folder.
 ==== 1. even-password ​ ==== ==== 1. even-password ​ ====
cns/labs/lab-01.1602513780.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/10/12 17:43 by dennis.plosceanu
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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