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cns:labs:ctf-challenges-part-2 [2019/12/08 16:03]
dennis.plosceanu created
— (current)
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-====== Lab 12 - CTF Challenges (part 1) ====== 
-===== Resources ===== 
-  * [[https://​cns-ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/​scores| CNS CTF platform]] 
-===== Task ===== 
-In this lab you will put to good use all the everything you have learned during this course with some CTF style 
-tasks in the same style as the assignments. 
-Go to the [[https://​cns-ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/​scores| CNS CTF platform]] and solve the tasks related to this lab. 
cns/labs/ctf-challenges-part-2.1575813800.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/08 16:03 by dennis.plosceanu
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