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Lab Split

Tuesday, 16:00-18:00, Răzvan DEACONESCU

  1. GEMAN Dorin-Andrei, SRIC
  2. ANDREESCU Maria-Elena, SRIC
  3. BUICA Mihai-Victoras, SRIC
  4. CĂTĂNOIU Vlad-Alexandru, SRIC
  5. TUDOSOIU Marius-Florinel, SCPD
  6. MANCAS Viorica, SCPD
  7. GEORGESCU Andrei-Calin, SRIC
  8. PAPA Mihai-Eugen, SRIC
  9. SOSEA Andrei-Dorin, SRIC
  10. RADU David-Alexandru, SRIC
  11. MIRCEA Alexandru-Alin, SRIC
  12. OLTEANU Andrei-Laurentiu, SRIC
  13. DEACONU Andreea-Carina, SRIC
  14. NĂSTASE Roxana-Valentina, SRIC

Monday, 18:00-20:00, Mihai-Valentin DUMITRU

  1. VLADESCU Cristiana, SRIC
  2. MINEA Alexandra, SRIC
  3. DUMITRU Andrei-Tiberiu, SRIC
  5. DASCALU Denis Catalin, SRIC
  6. BADEA Dan Gabriel, SRIC
  8. VASILCANU Marius-Daniel, SRIC
  9. CÎRSTEA Gabriel, SRIC
  10. ANGHELACHE Bogdan-George, SRIC
  11. COSMIN Daniela-Ioana, SRIC
  12. FLOREA Cosmin Alexandru, SRIC
  13. SITEAVU Rares-Andrei, SRIC
  14. OPRIS Catalin-Nicolae, SRIC
  15. VLASCEANU Ioana-Miruna, SRIC
  16. ILIESCU Valentina-Florentina, SAS
  17. DORCESCU Roxana-Antoanela, SAS

Monday, 18:00-20:00, Ricardo UNGUREANU

  1. DIMOIU Cezar Gabriel, SCPD
  2. IONIȚĂ Alexandru, SRIC
  3. OVEJAN Anamaria, SRIC
  4. BĂLĂNEAN Cristian-Ioan, SCPD
  5. GALER Gabriel, SCPD
  6. MIULESCU Cristina-Maria, SCPD
  7. CIUTACU Bianca, SCPD
  8. ROTSCHING Robert, AAC
  9. Sirbu Marius-Daniel, SRIC
  10. PRIDIE Cristina, SCPD

Thursday, 18:00-20:00, Adrian ȘENDROIU

  1. DUȚU Teodor-Ştefan, SAS
  2. ALBISORU Andrei-Nicolae, SAS
  3. SMEU Adina, SAS
  5. MOCANU Viorel-Gabriel, SAS
  6. SERIȚAN Andrei, SRIC
  7. CÎMPEANU Alexandra-Cristina, SRIC
  8. BÂIBÂŢĂ Dan-Radu-Costin, SAS
  9. DOGARU Mihai-Sorin, SRIC
  10. NASTASE Vlad-Iulius, SRIC
  11. Sîrbu Sandu, SAS
  12. Sîrbu Sandu, SAS
  13. ARON Ionut-Robert, SRIC
  14. STREJOVICI Andreea Mihaela, SRIC
  15. TUDORESCU Ana-Maria, SCPD
  16. BRANESCU Ioana, SCPD
  17. ARGINT Dragos-Iulian, SAS
  18. CIUPITU Dennis-Mircea, SAS
cns/lab-split.1633722792.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/08 22:53 by mihai.dumitru2201
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