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cns:lab-split [2022/10/10 14:44]
mihai.dumitru2201 [Monday, 18:00-20:00, Mihai-Valentin DUMITRU]
cns:lab-split [2022/10/12 09:55] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
-==== Monday, 18:​00-20:​00,​ Mihai-Valentin DUMITRU ​ ====+==== Monday, 18:​00-20:​00,​ Mihai-Valentin DUMITRU ​- PR706  ====
 ENE Dragos \\ ENE Dragos \\
Line 10: Line 10:
 CAREJA Alexandru-Cristian \\ CAREJA Alexandru-Cristian \\
 OLTEANU Eduard-Florin OLTEANU Eduard-Florin
-==== Tuesday 20:​00-22:​00,​ Adrian ȘENDROIU ​ ====+ 
 +==== Tuesday20:​00-22:​00,​ Adrian ȘENDROIU ​- PR706  ====
cns/lab-split.1665402258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/10 14:44 by mihai.dumitru2201
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