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cns:lab-split [2019/09/30 16:14]
mihai.dumitru2201 [Monday, 16:00-18:00, PRECIS 706, Ștefania POPESCU]
cns:lab-split [2022/10/12 09:55] (current)
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 ===== Lab Split ===== ===== Lab Split =====
-<note important>​ 
-A lab may host **at most 16 students**. We allow exceptions only for exceptional situations such as when a timetable conflict occurs. 
-The lab groups will be created after replying to the lab allocation threads on the [[https://​acs.curs.pub.ro/​2019/​mod/​forum/​view.php?​id=4838|General Discussions forum]] starting with **Monday, ​September 30, 2019, 10:15 AM**. There will be a thread for each lab slot where you will fill your name and master program until a limit of 16 students per lab slot. You can only fill your own name. Please make sure you are enrolled on the [[https://​acs.curs.pub.ro/​2019/​course/​view.php?​id=845|CNS instance on cs.curs.pub.ro]]. If notenroll yourself by accessing the CNS instance.+==== Monday, ​18:00-20:00Mihai-Valentin DUMITRU - PR706  ====
-==== Monday, 16:00-18:00, PRECIS 706, Ștefania POPESCU ​ ====+ENE Dragos \\ 
 +PATRASCU Catalin ​ \\ 
 +BONTAS Carol-Sebastian ​ \\ 
 +DAVID Andrei \\ 
 +CAREJA Alexandru-Cristian \\ 
 +OLTEANU Eduard-Florin
-  - BURDUSELU Mihai-CatalinSRIC +==== Tuesday20:00-22:00Adrian ȘENDROIU ​PR706  ====
-  ​BOGHICI EusebiuSRIC +
-  ​TEODOR Vlad, SRIC +
-  - ICATOIU Vlad-Cosmin,​ SRIC +
-  - FETOIU Catalin-Emil,​ SRIC +
-  - PÎRVAN Alina-Irina,​ SRIC +
-  - MILITARU Constantin-Alexandru,​ SCPD +
-  - TEODORESCU Lucian-Stefan,​ SCPD +
-  - TIMOFTE Daniel, SRIC +
-  - CHIRCA Ioana-Adriana,​ SRIC +
-  - VASILE Claudiu, SRIC +
-  - TICA Ioana-Teodora,​ SCPD +
-  - UNGUREANU Ricardo, SAS +
-  - Tone Costin SRIC+
-==== Monday, 20:00-22:00, PRECIS 706, Mihai DUMITRU ====+JOSAN-GULICA Stela  \\ 
 +PAIU Andreea \\ 
 +LIXANDRA Alexandra \\ 
 +NUTA Mihaela-Madalina \\ 
 +DELICOSTEA Robert-Alexandru \\ 
 +GRIGORIE Ruxandra \\ 
 +GHERMAN Maria Irina \\ 
 +MACARIE Razvan Cristian \\ 
 +CIOCAIANU Andreea-Diana \\
-  - HAMPAU Raluca Maria, SCPD 
-  - DUDAU Adrian-Constantin,​ SRIC 
-  - NICA Cristi, SCPD 
-  - DUMITRACHE Daniela Andreea - SRIC 
-  - AMZA Elena Violeta, SRIC 
-  - MITRUTA Liviu-Andrei,​ SRIC 
-  - Chesche Bogdan, SCPD 
-  - OPREA Andreea-Bianca,​ SCPD 
-  - STATE Ana-Ileana, SCPD 
-  - IFRIM Rares-Cristian,​ AAC 
-  - RADU Raluca, SRIC 
-  - Calugareanu Anghel, SRIC 
-  - VASILE Alexandru-Catalin,​ SRIC 
-  - PIRVULESCU Alexandra, SRIC 
-  - DONE Cristian-Florin,​ SAS 
-==== Monday, 20:​00-22:​00,​ EG306, Dennis PLOSCEANU ==== 
-  - SERBANESCU Teodora, SCPD 
-  - STROIE Alexandru-Mihai,​ SCPD 
-  - CHIRITA Madalina, SCPD 
-  - GOGONEA Andrei, SRIC 
-  - ZAMFIR Vlad, SRIC 
-  - POPA Dan, SRIC 
-  - BELCIU Maria-Alexandra,​ SRIC 
-  - STOICA Eduard-Andrei,​ SRIC 
-  - Mihai Popescu - SCPD 
-  - TUDOR George, SRIC 
-  - NEACȘU Bogdan-Ștefan,​ SCPD 
-  - FLOREA Cristina-Andreea,​ SRIC 
-  - NEGRU Cristian, SRIC 
-  - Pogonaru Mihai, SCPD 
-  - NICOLESCU Roxana-Elena,​ SRIC 
-  - DUTESCU Cristian, AAC 
-==== Monday, 20:​00-22:​00,​ EG106, Adrian ȘENDROIU ==== 
-  - MAFTEI Stefan - Radu, SCPD 
-  - SUPURAN Marius, SCPD 
-  - UNGUREANU Diana-Gabriela,​ SRIC 
-  - GEANALIU Madalina Gabriela, SRIC 
-  - TITILIUC Cosmin-Ionut,​ SRIC 
-  - GHINEA Nicolae-Florin,​ SRIC 
-  - CIONCA Bogdan, SCPD 
-  - ICLEANU Catalin, SAS 
-  - DUMITRU-VLASCEANU Ionatan-Elisei,​ SRIC 
-  - NECSULESCU Alina-Diana,​ SCPD 
-  - LASCU Bogdan-George,​ SCPD 
-  - Damian Andrei-Nicolae,​ SRIC 
-  - BABU Liza-Elena, SAS 
-  - Poziumski Robert, SCPD 
-  - Voica Ioana SCPD 
cns/lab-split.1569849290.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/30 16:14 by mihai.dumitru2201
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