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cns:assignments:assignment-1 [2023/11/05 21:45]
cns:assignments:assignment-1 [2023/11/06 13:14] (current)
adrian.sendroiu [Capture the Flag Format]
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 Assignment 1 uses a CTF (//Capture the Flag//) format. Assignment 1 uses a CTF (//Capture the Flag//) format.
-Challenges are on the [[https://​cns-2023-assignment01.cyber-edu.co/​|CyberEDU platform]]. For each challenge you will have to submit the flag to be able to get the points.+Challenges are on the [[https://​cns-2023-assignment01.cyber-edu.co/​|CyberEDU platform]] ​(To be able to access the platform, first you have to use the registration link that has been provided on MS Teams). For each challenge you will have to submit the flag to be able to get the points.
 There are 7 challenges, each challenge is worth 200 points. 5 challenges are required for the maximum grade of 10 (1000 points), the other 2 are bonus. There are 7 challenges, each challenge is worth 200 points. 5 challenges are required for the maximum grade of 10 (1000 points), the other 2 are bonus.
cns/assignments/assignment-1.1699213558.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/05 21:45 by adrian.sendroiu
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