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cns:assignments:assignment-1 [2018/09/24 14:27]
adrian.sendroiu [Assignment 1]
cns:assignments:assignment-1 [2023/11/06 13:14] (current)
adrian.sendroiu [Capture the Flag Format]
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 <note important>​ <note important>​
-Deadline: **Wednesnday, November ​14201811pm (EET, Romania time)**+Deadline: **Monday, November ​27202311:​59pm ​(EET, Romania time)**
 The deadline is **hard**. No submissions will be accepted past the deadline. The deadline is **hard**. No submissions will be accepted past the deadline.
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 Assignment 1 uses a CTF (//Capture the Flag//) format. Assignment 1 uses a CTF (//Capture the Flag//) format.
-Challenges are shown on the [[https://ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/|CNS CTF Platform]], running [[https://​github.com/​Nakiami/​mellivora|Mellivora]]. For each challenge you will have to submit the flag to be able to get the points.+Challenges are on the [[https://cns-2023-assignment01.cyber-edu.co/|CyberEDU platform]] (To be able to access the platformfirst you have to use the registration link that has been provided on MS Teams). For each challenge you will have to submit the flag to be able to get the points.
-<note important>​ +There are 7 challenges, each challenge is worth 200 points. 5 challenges are required for the maximum grade of 10 (1000 points), the other 2 are bonus.
-You need to create a team account on the [[https://​ctf.security.cs.pub.ro/​|CNS CTF Platform]]. Please use your full name (as in the [[:​cns:​class-register|class register]]for the team nameand make sure you keep the same format (SURNAME Firstname). +
-Apart from the flag submission, you will create a folder for each challenge. Each challenge folder consists of scripts and a README file documenting your solution to the challenge. Then pack all folders into a ''​.zip''​ archive and submit it on [[http://cs.curs.pub.ro/2017/​course/​view.php?​id=176|cs.curs.pub.ro]] using the [[http://cs.curs.pub.ro/2017/​mod/​assign/​view.php?​id=2758|Assignment 1: CTF form]].+Apart from the flag submission, you will create a folder for each challenge. Each challenge folder consists of scripts and a README file documenting your solution to the challenge. Then pack all folders into a ''​.zip''​ archive and submit it on [[https://curs.upb.ro/2023/​course/​view.php?​id=4549|curs.upb.ro]] using the [[https://curs.upb.ro/2023/​mod/​assign/​view.php?​id=61011|Assignment 1: CTF form]].
 Have fun and happy hacking! Have fun and happy hacking!
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 ===== Support ==== ===== Support ====
-If you are really stuck or think that there is a bug in the assignment ​feel free to ask the CNS Team at the address ​[[oss-support@cursuri.cs.pub.ro]]. You needn'​t subscribe or anything, just send an e-mail. It's a private discussion+If you are really stuck or think that there is a bug in the assignment, please contact Adrian on Microsoft Teams or send an email to [[oss-support@cursuri.cs.pub.ro]]. You needn'​t subscribe or anything, just send an e-mail. It's a private discussion.
- +
-You may also join the ''#​cns-upb''​ IRC channel on Freenode for live support. +
- +
-Keep in mind that we won't give solutions but rather hints. We will answer in **less than one day** and update this page accordingly.+
-If you need to share the source code with us, please create a **private** repository on [[https://​github.com/​|GitHub]],​ [[https://​bitbucket.org/​|Bitbucket]] or [[https://​gitlab.cs.pub.ro/​|CS GitLab]] and share it with us: +Keep in mind that we won't give solutions but rather hints.
-  * Adrian: [[https://​github.com/​molecula2788/​|molecula2788 on GitHub]], [[https://​gitlab.cs.pub.ro/​adrian.sendroiu1|adrian.sendroiu1 on CS GitLab]] +
-  * Răzvan: [[https://​github.com/​razvand/​|razvand on GitHub]], [[https://​bitbucket.org/​razvand/​|razvand on Bitbucket]],​ [[https://​gitlab.cs.pub.ro/​u/​razvan.deaconescu|razvan.deaconescu on CS GitLab]] +
-  * Irina: [[https://​github.com/​iriina|iriina on GitHub]], [[https://​bitbucket.org/​irinap/​|irinap on Bitbucket]],​ [[https://​gitlab.cs.pub.ro/​u/​irina.presa|irina.presa on CS GitLab]]+
 ===== Other ===== ===== Other =====
cns/assignments/assignment-1.1537788433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/24 14:27 by adrian.sendroiu
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