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pjv [2018/12/12 12:54]
pjv [2024/10/14 16:07] (current)
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 ====== Contact ====== ====== Contact ======
-  * [[alex.gradinaru@cs.pub.ro | Alexandru Gradinaru]]+  * [[alexandru.gradinaru@upb.ro | Alexandru Gradinaru]] 
 +  * [[maria_anca.balutoiu@upb.ro | Anca Balutoiu]] 
 +  * [[ovidiu.dinu@upb.ro | Alex Dinu]] 
 +  * [[andrei.lapusteanu@upb.ro | Andrei Lapusteanu]]
-====== Punctaj ====== +====== Punctaj ​IPJV ====== 
-  * laborator ​2p +  * curs (luni 16-18, online/​EC101/​EC002/​PR704) 
-  * 2 teme 1.5p fiecare ​(de ales dintre 3 variante: joc 2d, joc 3d sau joc multiplayer+  * laborator ​8p (Luni 18-20; Luni 20-22; Miercuri 12-14; Miercuri 18-20) 
-  * prezentare ​curs 1p bonus +    * 11 laboratoare (0.5p fiecare) 
-  * examen ​5p echivalare proiect +      L1-6: Deadline ​prezentare: 25 nov 2024 
-====== Laboratoare ======+      * L7-12: Deadline prezentare: 20 ian 2025 
 +    * 1 tema (2.5p) Deadline prezentare: 20 ian 2025 
 +  * examen ​practic ​2p (in sesiune)
-Miercuri, in sala EG204 
-  * 16 - 18 
-  * 18 - 20 
-  * 20 - 22 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​01]] 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​02]] 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​03]] 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​04]] 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​05]] 
-  * [[:​pjv:​laboratoare:​06]] 
-more to come.. +====== ​Punctaj PAJV ====== 
-   +  * curs (miercuri 18-20, online/​PR704) 
-====== ​Teme ====== +  * laborator - 8p (Luni 14-16; Miercuri 8-10; Miercuri 16-18) 
-  * [[:​pjv:​teme:​01]] +    * 8 laboratoare (1p fiecare) 
-  * [[:pjv:teme:02]] +      * L1-4Deadline prezentare25 nov 2024 
-  [[:pjv:teme:03]]+      L5-8Deadline prezentare20 ian 2025 
 +  * examen practic - 2p (in sesiune) 
-====== Proiect ====== 
-  * [[:​pjv:​proiect]] 
 ====== Resurse ====== ====== Resurse ======
 {{indexmenu>:​xx:​res}} {{indexmenu>:​xx:​res}}
 +====== Idei prezentari (~15min) ======
 +  * UX prototyping for games
 +  * Multiplayer solutions for games
 +  * New input devices and immersive movement systems (HMD, suits, gloves, glasses etc)
 +  * AR technologies for games
 +  * Asset management and distribution in games
 +  * Machine Learning in video games (eg. used for bots, animations etc.)
 +  * Security in games. Cheating problems and solutions
 +  * Procedural generation (terrain, vegetation, characters, items, quests, whole environments etc)
 +  * Real-Time Multi-Agent Navigation / Real-Time Crowd
 +  * Mobile/Web game development particularities,​ limits
 +  * Gamification or games in education
 +  * Games in e-Health
 +  * UX prototyping for games
 +  * Fluid simulation methods
 +  * Multiplayer solutions for games
 +  * AR technologies for games
 +  * Asset management and distribution in games
 +  * Machine Learning in video games (eg. used for bots, animations etc.)
 +  * Security in games. Cheating problems and solutions
 +  * Real-Time Multi-Agent Navigation / Real-Time Crowd
 +  * Mobile/Web games development particularities,​limits
 +  * Illumination techniques and optimization
 +  * Procedural generation (terrain, vegetation, characters, items, quests, whole environments etc)
 +  * Input/​Output devices and implementation particularities (mouse, keyboard, controller, vr headset, vr controller, ar etc)
 +  * Game type development particularities (eg. rpg, mmo, rts, tbs, moba etc.)
 +  * Scene management. Rendering optimization.
 +  * Mathematics in Video Games
 +  * Physics in Video Games
 +Inscrire echipa prezentare:
 +  * [[https://​forms.gle/​YUkavBv397bTAm3D6|Formular inscriere pana la data de 28 oct]]
 +  * [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1v2THSAP10-0lIRSjihXK7skkd8dHfsLepHr_wmq9iuI/​edit?​usp=sharing|Prezentari inscrise]]
pjv.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/14 16:07 by alexandru.gradinaru
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