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pjv:laboratoare:2020:01 [2021/10/13 13:36]
pjv:laboratoare:2020:01 [2021/10/13 16:13] (current)
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 ==== Documentatie video ===== ==== Documentatie video =====
-video 1  +[[https://​youtu.be/​3FYJD6sXT74|1. Introducere in Editorul Unity]] 
-video 2+ 
 +[[https://​youtu.be/​IjfsxhF7mH4|2. Introducere in scriptingul Unity]]
 ==== Documentatie extinsa text ===== ==== Documentatie extinsa text =====
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 [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​b:/​g/​personal/​alexandru_gradinaru_upb_ro/​EX9JzUQOGiJDljh770eC9ioBESCT7N3_TR4CdKBhidDgOg?​e=6GMORk|1. Introducere in Editorul Unity]] [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​b:/​g/​personal/​alexandru_gradinaru_upb_ro/​EX9JzUQOGiJDljh770eC9ioBESCT7N3_TR4CdKBhidDgOg?​e=6GMORk|1. Introducere in Editorul Unity]]
-[[http://example.com|2. Introducere in scriptingul Unity]]+[[https://ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​b:/​g/​personal/​alexandru_gradinaru_upb_ro/​EXdRYNImL8VGryfKsurcUqQBx5af0KLN2pMN-AaicOM6VA?​e=eMLA0T|2. Introducere in scriptingul Unity]]
 <note important>​Aveti documentatie video si text extinsa, dar si un sumar cu elementele principale necesare in rezolvarea laboratorului,​ pentru cei care au mai lucrat deja cu Unity si sunt familiarizati cu anumite concepte. </​note>​ <note important>​Aveti documentatie video si text extinsa, dar si un sumar cu elementele principale necesare in rezolvarea laboratorului,​ pentru cei care au mai lucrat deja cu Unity si sunt familiarizati cu anumite concepte. </​note>​
Line 180: Line 181:
 === C# Basics === === C# Basics ===
-> **Classes and Structures** 
-One of the basic design decisions every framework designer faces is whether to design a type as a **class (a reference type)** or as a **struct (a value type)**. 
-  * Both are _container_ types,​ meaning that they contain other types as members. 
-  * Both have members, which can include constructors,​ methods, properties, fields, constants, enumerations,​ events, and event handlers. 
-  * Members of both can have individualized access levels. For example, one member can be declared `Public` and another `Private`. 
-  * Both can implement interfaces. 
-  * Both can have shared constructors,​ with or without parameters. 
-  * Both can expose a _default property_, provided that property takes at least one parameter. 
-  * Both can declare and raise events, and both can declare delegates. 
-The Main difference between reference types **(Class)** and value types **(Struct)** we will consider is that reference types are allocated on the heap and garbage-collected,​ whereas value types are allocated either on the stack or inline in containing types and deallocated when the stack unwinds or when their containing type gets deallocated. 
-  * Structures are **_value types_**; classes are **_reference types_**. A variable of a structure type contains the structure'​s data, rather than containing a reference to the data as a class type does. 
-  * Structures use stack allocation; classes use heap allocation. 
-  * All structure elements are `Public` by default; class variables and constants are by `Private` default, while other class members are by `Public` default. 
-  * A structure must have at least one nonshared variable or nonshared, noncustom event element; a class can be completely empty. 
-  * Structure elements cannot be declared as `Protected`;​ class members can. 
-  * Structures are not inheritable;​ classes are. 
-  * A structure does not require a constructor;​ a class does. 
 > **Static Classes and Singleton** > **Static Classes and Singleton**
pjv/laboratoare/2020/01.1634121392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/13 13:36 by alexandru.gradinaru
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