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pjv:laboratoare:2020:01 [2020/10/14 15:40]
pjv:laboratoare:2020:01 [2021/10/13 16:13] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===== Introducere in Unity ===== ===== Introducere in Unity =====
-==== Unity Editor ​=====+==== Documentatie video ===== 
 +[[https://​youtu.be/​3FYJD6sXT74|1. Introducere in Editorul ​Unity]] 
 +[[https://​youtu.be/​IjfsxhF7mH4|2. Introducere in scriptingul Unity]] 
 +==== Documentatie extinsa text ===== 
 +[[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​b:/​g/​personal/​alexandru_gradinaru_upb_ro/​EX9JzUQOGiJDljh770eC9ioBESCT7N3_TR4CdKBhidDgOg?​e=6GMORk|1. Introducere in Editorul Unity]] 
 +[[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​b:/​g/​personal/​alexandru_gradinaru_upb_ro/​EXdRYNImL8VGryfKsurcUqQBx5af0KLN2pMN-AaicOM6VA?​e=eMLA0T|2. Introducere in scriptingul Unity]] 
 +<note important>​Aveti documentatie video si text extinsa, dar si un sumar cu elementele principale necesare in rezolvarea laboratorului,​ pentru cei care au mai lucrat deja cu Unity si sunt familiarizati cu anumite concepte. </​note>​ 
 +==== Sumar documentatie ​===== 
 +> **Hotkeys** 
 +{{ https://​koenig-media.raywenderlich.com/​uploads/​2017/​12/​UnitHotkeys_CheatSheet.png?​800 |}}
-VIDEO here - soon 
 > **Folders  inside unity** > **Folders  inside unity**
Line 163: Line 181:
 === C# Basics === === C# Basics ===
-> **Classes and Structures** 
-One of the basic design decisions every framework designer faces is whether to design a type as a **class (a reference type)** or as a **struct (a value type)**. 
-  * Both are _container_ types,​ meaning that they contain other types as members. 
-  * Both have members, which can include constructors,​ methods, properties, fields, constants, enumerations,​ events, and event handlers. 
-  * Members of both can have individualized access levels. For example, one member can be declared `Public` and another `Private`. 
-  * Both can implement interfaces. 
-  * Both can have shared constructors,​ with or without parameters. 
-  * Both can expose a _default property_, provided that property takes at least one parameter. 
-  * Both can declare and raise events, and both can declare delegates. 
-The Main difference between reference types **(Class)** and value types **(Struct)** we will consider is that reference types are allocated on the heap and garbage-collected,​ whereas value types are allocated either on the stack or inline in containing types and deallocated when the stack unwinds or when their containing type gets deallocated. 
-  * Structures are **_value types_**; classes are **_reference types_**. A variable of a structure type contains the structure'​s data, rather than containing a reference to the data as a class type does. 
-  * Structures use stack allocation; classes use heap allocation. 
-  * All structure elements are `Public` by default; class variables and constants are by `Private` default, while other class members are by `Public` default. 
-  * A structure must have at least one nonshared variable or nonshared, noncustom event element; a class can be completely empty. 
-  * Structure elements cannot be declared as `Protected`;​ class members can. 
-  * Structures are not inheritable;​ classes are. 
-  * A structure does not require a constructor;​ a class does. 
 > **Static Classes and Singleton** > **Static Classes and Singleton**
Line 266: Line 258:
 === Unity C# References === === Unity C# References ===
 +> **Variables and Parameters**
 +Variables can be controlled from the Unity Editor as parameters, as long as they are defined public or serializable.
 +We can use both simple variable or arrays.
 +public float speed;
 +public Sprite[] images;
 +private float internalBleed;​ //cannot be controller from Unity Editor interface
 +private Text scoreText;
 +    ​
 +private GameObject[] enemyTypes;
 > **MonoBehaviour Event Execution Order** > **MonoBehaviour Event Execution Order**
Line 305: Line 316:
 Instantiate(bullet,​ Vector3.zero,​ Quaternion.identity);​ Instantiate(bullet,​ Vector3.zero,​ Quaternion.identity);​
 Instantiate(bullet,​ new Vector3(0, 0, 10), bullet.transform.rotation);​ Instantiate(bullet,​ new Vector3(0, 0, 10), bullet.transform.rotation);​
 +newobj = Instantiate(objTemplate) as ObjType;
 +//from pregab - prefab must be in Resources folder
 +newobj1 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("​enemy"​));​
 +// Instantiate the projectile at the position and rotation of this transform
 +Rigidbody projectile;
 +Rigidbody clone;
 +clone = Instantiate(projectile,​ transform.position,​ transform.rotation);​
 +enemyOrc = Instantiate(Orc) as Enemy;
 /* Destroy a GameObject */ /* Destroy a GameObject */
Line 312: Line 335:
 GameObject myObj = GameObject.Find("​NAME IN HIERARCHY"​);​ GameObject myObj = GameObject.Find("​NAME IN HIERARCHY"​);​
 GameObject myObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("​TAG"​);​ GameObject myObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("​TAG"​);​
 +parentObject.GetChild("​child_name"​).GetComponent<​SpriteRenderer>​().sprite = image; ​
 /* Accessing Components */ /* Accessing Components */
Line 317: Line 342:
 AudioSource audioSource = GetComponent<​AudioSource>​();​ AudioSource audioSource = GetComponent<​AudioSource>​();​
 Rigidbody rgbd = GetComponent<​Rigidbody>​();​ Rigidbody rgbd = GetComponent<​Rigidbody>​();​
 +GetComponent<​SpriteRenderer>​().sprite = image; //set image in child component
 +GetComponent<​Text>​().text = '​123'​ //set text
 +/* Transforms - can be accessed using the `transform` attribute */
 +Vector3 objectPosition = gameObject.transform.position;​
 +gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(posX,​ posY, posZ);
 +transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime,​ Space.World);​
 +transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime,​ Space.World);​
 +/* Activate - can hide or how an element from the scene*/
 +myObject.SetActive(false);​ // hide
 +myObject.SetActive(true);​ // show
 +GetComponent<​BoxCollider>​().SetActive(false);​ // hide component
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 357: Line 396:
 float physicsInterval =  Time.fixedDeltaTime;​ float physicsInterval =  Time.fixedDeltaTime;​
 +> **Random values**
 +<code c#>
 +Random.Range(-10.0f,​ 10.0f)
 +Random.Range(0,​ 8);
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 438: Line 484:
 if (Input.GetButton("​ButtonName"​)) { Debug.Log("​Button is being held down"​);​ } if (Input.GetButton("​ButtonName"​)) { Debug.Log("​Button is being held down"​);​ }
-</​code>​+float translation = Input.GetAxis("​Vertical"​) * speed; 
 +float rotation = Input.GetAxis("​Horizontal"​) * rotationSpeed;​
-> **Hotkeys**+// Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame... 
 +translation ​*= Time.deltaTime;​ 
 +rotation ​*= Time.deltaTime;​
-{{ https://koenig-media.raywenderlich.com/​uploads/​2017/​12/​UnitHotkeys_CheatSheet.png?​400 |}}+// Move translation along the object'​s z-axis 
 +transform.Translate(0,​ 0, translation);​
 +// Rotate around our y-axis
 +transform.Rotate(0,​ rotation, 0);
-<​hidden>​ +/* special input events *
- +// OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed ​the mouse button while over the Collider
-=== Parametri ​Variabile === +// This event is sent to all scripts of the GameObject ​with Collider or GUI ElementScripts of the parent or child objects do not receive ​this event
- +// This function is not called on objects that belong to Ignore Raycast layer
-Parametri se pot controla in editor atat timp cat sunt definiti ca variabile publice sau serializabile. +// This function is called on Colliders marked as Trigger if and only if Physics.queriesHitTriggers is true
- +void OnMouseDown()
-Se pot defini atat variabile simple cat si liste (array) +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-public float speed; +
- +
-public Sprite[] images; +
- +
- +
-[SerializeField] +
-private Text scoreText;​ +
-     +
-[SerializeField] +
-private GameObject[] enemyTypes;​ +
-</code> +
- +
- +
-=== Instantierea obiectelor === +
- +
-Obiectele se pot instantia folosind functia +
-<​code>​ +
-newobj = Instantiate(objTemplate) as ObjType; +
- +
-//from pregab - prefab must be in Resources folder +
-newobj1 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("​enemy"​));​ +
- +
-// Instantiate ​the projectile at the position and rotation of this transform +
-Rigidbody projectile;​ +
-Rigidbody clone; +
-clone = Instantiate(projectile,​ transform.position, transform.rotation);​ +
- +
-enemyOrc = Instantiate(Orc) as Enemy; +
-</code> +
- +
-=== Transformari === +
- +
-Transformarile unui obiect se pot accesa prin atributul `transform` (https://​docs.unity3d.com/​ScriptReference/​Transform.html) +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-Vector3 objectPosition = GameObject.transform.position;​ +
- +
-GameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(posX,​ posY, posZ); +
- +
-transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime,​ Space.World);​ +
- +
-transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime,​ Space.World);​ +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-=== Random === +
- +
-Pentru a genera valori random puteti folosi clasa Random +
- +
-<​code>​ +
- +
-Random.Range(-10.0f,​ 10.0f) +
-Random.Range(0,​ 8); +
- +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-=== Controlul unor obiecte sau componente === +
- +
-Afisarea sau ascunderea unui obiect din scena se poate face prin functia de activare +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-myObject.SetActive(false);​ // ascunde +
-myObject.SetActive(true);​ // arata +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-Similar, se pot controla componentele unui obiect +
- +
-<​code>​ +
- +
-this.GetComponent<​BoxCollider>​().SetActive(false);​ // dezactivare +
-this.GetComponent<​SpriteRenderer>​().sprite = image; ​//setarea unei imagini +
- +
-myObject.GetComponent<​Text>​().text = '​123'​ //setarea unui text +
- +
-</code> +
- +
-De asemenea se pot accesa elemente copil sau parinte +
-<​code>​ +
- ​childObject=parentObject.GetChild("​child_name"​);​ +
- +
- //setarea unei componente a elementului copil +
- ​parentObject.GetChild("​child_name"​).GetComponent<​SpriteRenderer>​().sprite = image;  +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-=== Asteptari/​Wait ​ ===  +
- +
-Daca vreti veti sa introduceti asteptari in rularea unui script/​functii puteti folosi corutine. +
-Corutinele sunt folosite pentru a porni functii asincrone, care se pot intinde pe mai multe frame-uri, si in care se poate pune pauza (wait). +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-void Start()+
 { {
-    ​StartCoroutine(Example()); +    ​// Destroy the gameObject after clicking on it 
-}+    Destroy(gameObject); 
-IEnumerator Example() 
-    print(Time.time);​ 
-    yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);​ 
-    print(Time.time);​ 
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-=== Evenimente de Input === 
-Pentru a putea detecta daca un element a fost apasat, se poate folosi functia OnMouseDown +**Debug**
-void OnMouseDown() +<code c#> 
-{         +Debug.Log(transform.position); 
-      gameObject.SetActive(false); +Debug.Log("​text"​);
-    ​+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-<note important>​Atentie! Aceasta functie este activa doar in cazul in care utilizatorul apasa cu mouseul peste un elemente de UI sau un Collider</​note> ​ 
 === Cerinte === === Cerinte ===
Line 575: Line 524:
-  - Configurati ​scene pentru rulare 2D +  - Configurati ​scena pentru rulare 2D 
-  - Adaugati in scena o imagine care reprezinta o tabla de joc (masa) +  - Adaugati in scena o imagine care reprezinta o tabla/​fundalul ​de joc (masa) 
-  - Adaugati doua imagini in scena: ​+  - Adaugati doua imagini ​suprapuse ​in scena*
     - unul care sa reprezinte elementul ascuns ​     - unul care sa reprezinte elementul ascuns ​
     - unul care sa reprezinte elementul afisat     - unul care sa reprezinte elementul afisat
-  - Scriptati elementul afisat astfel incat la click sa se ascunda si sa se afiseze cel ascuns +  - Scriptati/​programati ​elementul afisat astfel incat la click pe acesta ​sa se ascunda si sa se afiseze cel ascuns ​timp de cateva secunde (2-3 secunde de exemplu, apoi revine la elementul ascuns) 
-  ​Colectati inca imagini pentru elementele afisate +  - Colectati alte imagini si realizati ​un grid de 4x4 sau 4x2 elemente generat aleator la fiecare rulare controlat de un script (game controllercare sa asigure: 
-  - Realizati ​un game controller ​in care sa scriptati urmatoarele +    - instantierea dinamica a gridului si formarea ​de perechi ​(in scena trebuie sa fie perechi de elemente ​astfel incat utilizatorul trebuie sa selecteze 2 elemente care coincid pentru a castiga punctaj) 
-    - instantierea dinamica a unui grid de 4x4 elemente (primul este deja instantiat) +    ​amestecarea elementelor ​la fiecare rulare ​(elementele afisat trebuie sa fie pozitionat/​afisat intr-un slot diferit la fiecare ​rulare noua)
-    - pozitionarea random a tipurilor de elemente ​(in scena trebuie sa fie perechi de elemente - deci vor fi 8 perechi pozitionate random ​la fiecare rulare+
-    ​schimbarea dinamica a imaginii in functie de tip pentru ​fiecare ​element din scena+
     - mentinerea elementelor selectate curent (se selecteaza o data maxim 1 pereche)     - mentinerea elementelor selectate curent (se selecteaza o data maxim 1 pereche)
     - rularea asincrona a verificarii daca perechea a fost selectata sau nu corect     - rularea asincrona a verificarii daca perechea a fost selectata sau nu corect
     - mentinerea si afisarea unui scor. Scorul creste atunci cand descoperiti doua elemente identice.     - mentinerea si afisarea unui scor. Scorul creste atunci cand descoperiti doua elemente identice.
-  - Adaugati un buton de restart game+  - Adaugati un buton de restart game (acest lucru va regenera gridul cu elemente amestecate) 
 +{{ :​pjv:​laboratoare:​2020:​lab1_example.gif?​600 |}}
-</hidden>+<note tip>* exista mai multe variante de abordare a rezolvarii: de exemplu folosind elemente de canvas sau folosind elemente de scena pe care se ataseaza collidere (aveti grija la conditiile de activare a evenimentelor de mouse)</note>
pjv/laboratoare/2020/01.1602679229.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/14 15:40 by alexandru.gradinaru
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