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moby:backend:07 [2020/08/12 15:18]
moby:backend:07 [2020/08/12 15:24] (current)
alexandru.hogea [Exercitii]
Line 66: Line 66:
 === Exemplu de fisier docker-compose.yml === === Exemplu de fisier docker-compose.yml ===
-<​code ​yml>+<​code ​yaml>
 # docker-compose.yml # docker-compose.yml
Line 110: Line 110:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 === Proprietati in cadrul unui fisier docker-compose.yml === === Proprietati in cadrul unui fisier docker-compose.yml ===
-<​code ​yml>+<​code ​yaml>
 ### Exemple de build pentru imagini ### Exemple de build pentru imagini
 web: web:
Line 158: Line 158:
   - ./​data:/​var/​lib/​mysql ​ # Se mapeaza fisierul sau folderul local la ce din container   - ./​data:/​var/​lib/​mysql ​ # Se mapeaza fisierul sau folderul local la ce din container
   - named_volume:/​var/​lib/​mysql   - named_volume:/​var/​lib/​mysql
-  - + 
 ### Network ### Network
 # Se creaza o noua retea # Se creaza o noua retea
 networks: networks:
   - frontend   - frontend
-### External network+### Secrets 
 +  - my_awesome_secret 
 +<note important>​Cand introduceti un **named volume**, **o retea** sau **un secret**, nu uitati sa le declarati si la finalul fisierului .yml in sectiunile speciale (volumes, networks, secrets)</​note>​ 
 +=== Exemplu de docker-compose.yml pentru serviciul "​Library"​ === 
 +<code yaml> 
 +version: "​3.8"​ 
 +  library-service:​ 
 +    build: '​../'​ 
 +    environment:​ 
 +      NODE_ENV: staging 
 +      PGHOST: localhost 
 +      PGUSER_FILE:​ workshop-library-pguser-secret 
 +      PGPASSWORD_FILE:​ workshop-library-pgpassword-secret 
 +      PGPORT: 5432 
 +    volumes: 
 +       - ../:/​usr/​src/​app 
 +    command: ["​npm",​ "​run",​ "​start-dev-docker"​] 
 +    networks:  
 +      - library_internal 
 +      - cluster 
 +    secrets: 
 +      - workshop-library-pguser-secret 
 +      - workshop-library-pgpassword-secret 
 +  db: 
 +    image: postgres 
 +    environment:​ 
 +      POSTGRES_USER_FILE:​ /​run/​secrets/​workshop-library-pguser-secret 
 +      POSTGRES_PASSWORD:​ /​run/​secrets/​workshop-library-pgpassword-secret 
 +      TZ: Europe/​Bucharest 
 +      PGTZ: Europe/​Bucharest 
 +    volumes: 
 +      - workshop-library:/​var/​lib/​postgresql/​data 
 +      - ./​init.sql:/​docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/​init.sql 
 +    networks: 
 +      - library_internal 
 +    secrets: 
 +      - workshop-library-pguser-secret 
 +      - workshop-library-pgpassword-secret 
 +  pgadmin: 
 +    image: dpage/​pgadmin4 
 +    ports: 
 +      - "​30001:​80"​ 
 +    environment:​ 
 +    logging: 
 +      driver: none 
 +    networks: 
 +      - library_internal 
 +  workshop-library:​
-# Se adauga la o retea externa 
 networks: networks:
-  ​frontend:+  ​library_internal:​ 
 +  cluster:
     external: true     external: true
-    name: external-frontend+    name: moby-workshop-cluster
 +  workshop-library-pguser-secret:​
 +    file: ./​secrets/​pguser_secret.txt
 +  workshop-library-pgpassword-secret:​
 +    file: ./​secrets/​pgpassword_secret.txt
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== Exercitii ====
 +  - Creati-va monorepo-ul
 +  - Creati-va folderul de Deployment
 +  - Adaugati-va repo-urile ca si submodule in monorepo
 +  - Scrieti-va fisierul docker-compose.yml care sa tina **intreaga configuratie** a serviciilor (si a bazelor de date)
 +  - Rulati intreg clusterul folosind //​docker-compose up --build//
moby/backend/07.1597234713.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/12 15:18 by alexandru.hogea
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