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Send your first patch to Linux kernel

Useful info:

First we will have to figure out which kernel tree you should use. Usually you will have to pick up the maintainer's tree for the subsystem your patch belongs to. When in doubt use linux-next.

We will try to find and fix a small issue in the staging/ driver directory. So we will use staging.git tree.

$ git clone git://

Tools setup


# setup user name
git config --global "Green Penguin"

# setup user email
$ git config --global ""

# setup default editor
$ git config --global core.editor vim

git send-email

$ sudo apt-get install git-email

# configure git-email, add this to your ~/.gitconfig

	smtpEncryption = tls
	smtpServer =
	smtpUser =
	smtpServerPort = 587
so2/upstream.1487964752.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/24 21:32 by daniel.baluta
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