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so2:teme:tema1 [2020/03/17 17:42]
lucian.teodorescu [Resurse]
so2:teme:tema1 [2020/03/17 17:42] (current)
lucian.teodorescu [Resurse]
Line 121: Line 121:
   * [[https://​www.kernel.org/​doc/​Documentation/​kprobes.txt|Documentation/​kprobes.txt]] - descrierea subsystemului kprobes din sursele nucleului Linux.   * [[https://​www.kernel.org/​doc/​Documentation/​kprobes.txt|Documentation/​kprobes.txt]] - descrierea subsystemului kprobes din sursele nucleului Linux.
-  * [[https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kprobes.txt|samples/​kprobes/​]] - câteva exemple de folosire a kprobes din sursele nucleului Linux.+  * [[https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/​source/​samples/​kprobes|samples/​kprobes/​]] - câteva exemple de folosire a kprobes din sursele nucleului Linux.
 <note important>​ <note important>​
so2/teme/tema1.1584459725.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/17 17:42 by lucian.teodorescu
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