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Programarea Calculatoarelor


Laborator && teme (Seria CA)

Laborator (Seria CB/CD)

Interns (Seria CB/CD)


Oră Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri
8-10 Stefan Vodita - - Mihai Constantin Cosmin Gheorghita
10-12 Andrei Stanila - - Dragos Corlatescu Dan Duta
12-14 Codrut Lemeni - Alin Popa Dragos Corlatescu Andreea Dutulescu
14-16 Flavia Petrescu - Alin Popa - Oana Mitrut
16-18 Marius Iftimie Armand Nicolicioiu - - Oana Mitrut
18-20 Alexandra Imbrisca Marius Vintila - - -

Resurse folosite pe parcursul semestrului

programare.1602572870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/13 10:07 by marius.vintila
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