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programare:laboratoare:lab14 [2017/09/29 02:48]
programare:laboratoare:lab14 [2020/01/13 14:16] (current)
george.pirtoaca [Recapitulare]
Line 3: Line 3:
 **Responsabili:​** ​ **Responsabili:​** ​
   * [[florin.pop@cs.pub.ro|Florin Pop]], [[george.popescu@cs.pub.ro|George Popescu]]   * [[florin.pop@cs.pub.ro|Florin Pop]], [[george.popescu@cs.pub.ro|George Popescu]]
 ==== Obiective ==== ==== Obiective ====
Line 359: Line 358:
  ​task5:​ task5.c ​  ​task5:​ task5.c ​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +[[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=1Qe3Zuu-LrPpHXWEuefwxz3lrqDAGCBQg | Exemplu Examen]]
programare/laboratoare/lab14.1506642492.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/29 02:48 by darius.neatu
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