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Lab 02 - Teletypes & frame buffers


  • TODO


Proof of Work


00. [10p] Getting Started

First, download the skeleton archive (.zip) and unzip it.

It has the following structure:

├── initial_design.html  # initial HTML template
├── public/
│   ├── bootstrap/ # bootstrap sources
│   ├── images/
│   └── style.css  # main stylesheet
├──      # server-side application
└── templates/     # Jinja templates

To test, open initial_design.html in a browser. It should look similar (almost: minor text differences) to the following screenshot:

Our website uses the Bootstrap frontend library – a CSS framework for building responsive web designs! Check out its documentation for a list of features.

Also, there are other open-source CSS toolkits, google them before starting a website and choose something you like before starting a design project.

Also, it would be a good idea to test your Python / Flask setup now:

# it should say that the server is running on

Note: the initial Python Flask app doesn't display this webpage just yet, it will only give you a TODO message! You will make it yourself later this lab :P

01. [30p] Minor Design Changes

Our customer wants to make some changes to the website's design:

  • Add a header image with our logo at the top
    • Several candidates are present inside public/images/;
    • You could either use the CSS background property, or just the old-school <img> tag;
    • Hint: check out style.css for existing definitions!
  • Also change the background color of the <header> to match the chosen image on its margins (maybe something blue?);
  • Make the content box have rounded borders (try 15px);
    • border-radius *wink*
    • Use the browser's Web Developer tools to find the HTML tag to select!
  • Insert some dummy content text (e.g., use a Lorem Ipsum generator);

Hint: search for TODOs inside HTML and CSS!

For specifying URLs to other web resources (e.g., images for this task): recall Unix relative paths (./path/to/file.jpg)? HTML also uses them (those URLs will be relative to your current file – either the .html or the .css)!

In some cases (webpage has sub-paths, e.g., /account/details.html), you may also use absolute URLs (path begins with a / representing the server's root directory).

02. [20p] Hyper-linking multiple pages

Time to add a second HTML page:

  • As expected, copy + paste your initial HTML with a new name, e.g.: second.html;
  • Link together the two .html pages (in each HTML page, find the <a class=”…” href=”..”> links inside the #navbarToggle div and edit the hrefs to point to each-other);

Use relative paths, either pagename.html or ./pagename.html will do! DO NOT USE: absolute paths, e.g., C:\Users\…\pagename.html for obvious portability reasons!

  • Test by opening the HTML files in your browser. The user should be able to navigate between the two pages seamlessly!
  • One final touch: we want the menu to highlight (i.e., change foreground / background color and font style) the currently active menu button (different for each page)!

Hint: create a CSS class (e.g., .active) with your desired properties and append it to the appropiate menu link element: <a class=“nav-item nav-link” …> (also note: different class attribute values are separated by space!).

03. [30p] Firing up the Flask backend

First, let's understand how Flask serves files:

  • Download a random photo from the Internet (e.g., your favorite snake species) and place it into public/myimage.jpg (or use whatever name you wish, but keep this directory!);
  • Start up the Flask server (python3 and point your browser to http://localhost:5000/public/myimage.jpg, it should display your image.
  • Copy/rename or download another image directly to your project's root, alongside; start the web server, point your browser to http://localhost:5000/myimage2.jpg – it won't work… why?

Now, we want to move the html page from earlier tasks to be served by the Flask web server:

  • Copy the initial_design.html to the templates/ directory (we're using the default Flask convention);
  • Modify to call render_template (see official quickstart guide) and actually serve your HTML file.
  • Fire it up!

Don't forget to import the render_template symbol from the Flask library!

  • Finally for this task, make a /google endpoint which automatically redirects to your favorite (or not) search engine!

04. [10p] Serving dynamic content

Finally, we shall see how dynamic content can be interpolated

  • Edit the website's second HTML page, enter {{mycontent}} (this literal text!) as content somewhere inside the main content block:
    <div class="content-box main-content">
  • Now modify the code (the second_page function) to take in the desired value as a request parameter and pass it to the mycontent template variable, e.g.:
    def second_page():
      render_template("second.html", mycontent=request.args.get("mycontent", "<not specified>"))
  • Open the endpoint URL and pass the mycontent value as a GET URL parameter (e.g., ?parameter=value) and see if the content changes dynamically after the request!
  • This is a template engine called Jinja, seamlessly integrated with Flask. More about this: next time!
ii/labs/s2/02.1649956663.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/14 20:17 by radu.mantu
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