03. [30p] Firing up the Flask backend

First, let's understand how Flask serves files:

  • Download a random photo from the Internet (e.g., your favorite snake species) and place it into public/myimage.jpg (or use whatever name you wish, but keep this directory!);
  • Start up the Flask server (python3 server.py) and point your browser to http://localhost:5000/public/myimage.jpg, it should display your image.
  • Copy/rename or download another image directly to your project's root, alongside server.py; start the web server, point your browser to http://localhost:5000/myimage2.jpg – it won't work… why?

Now, we want to move the html page from earlier tasks to be served by the Flask web server:

  • Copy the initial_design.html to the templates/ directory (we're using the default Flask convention);
  • Modify server.py to call render_template (see official quickstart guide) and actually serve your HTML file.
  • Fire it up!

Don't forget to import the render_template symbol from the Flask library!

  • Finally for this task, make a /google endpoint which automatically redirects to your favorite (or not) search engine!
ii/labs/s2/02/tasks/03.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/17 18:24 by florin.stancu
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